Monday, September 30, 2019
Public life Essay
Early Years When Brown and his family moved to New York, he learned that the pro-slavery forces in Kansas were confrontational. Brown left for Kansas after learning that the families of his adult sons were completely unprotected from any possible attack. He collected funds and weapons along the way and even held an anti-slavery convention in Albany. Despite the stir because of his support for unrest to liberate, Brown still managed to get financial support. He gathered more anti-slavery forces in Ohio. Brown and his forces were going to stop at nothing to stop the pro-slavery actions in Kansas. He believed that the pro-slavery forces, or the Border Ruffians, will eventually become violent themselves. He used this as justification for his disregard for the law. Brown was angered by the violence displayed by the Border Ruffians, and also the political manipulations happening to quell the northern abolitionist movement. Brown learned that his family was to be attacked next by the Border Ruffians and the pro-slavery neighbours squealed about the support that his family was giving him. In May 1856, five pro-slavery settlers were killed by Brown’s men. They were taken from their homes and slashed to death by swords. According to Brown, he did approve of the murder, but he never participated in it. Two of Brown’s sons were captured by Henry Pate, a pro-slavery captain. But Pate was soon captured with twenty-two men. Pate was forced to sign a treaty that exchanges their freedom with the freedom of his two sons. Pate was released, but his sons’ release was to be postponed till September. Pro-slavery forces from Missouri came to Kansas under the command of Major General John Reid. They headed towards Osawatomie, Kansas, determined to crush the abolitionist forces there. Some of Reid’s men killed one of Brown’s sons in the morning of August 30, 1956. Brown was clearly outnumbered by Reid’s pro-slavery forces, but they still defended their posts. They managed to wound 40 and kill 20 of the Reid’s men. Reid ordered his men to retreat into the forest, and Brown’s men managed to capture four of Reid’s men. This display of bravery in that situation that clearly went against him was viewed as an act of heroism by Northern abolitionist forces. Brown was then known by the nickname, Osawatomie Brown. A month later, Brown met Free State leaders in Lawrence to help plan for a possible assault by the pro-slavery forces. Pro-slavery forces from Missouri were engaging attacks in Kansas. Battles ensued, though large damages were nipped in the bud when Kansas governor John Geary called for disarmament and offered clemency to soldiers of both sides. Brown fled from Kansas with his sons to gather more funds and support from the north. Brown travelled eastward to collect more funds. In his travels, he met with many prominent abolitionists like William Lloyd Garrison and Gerrit Smith. Some of the wealthy abolitionists he met agreed to provide Brown with funds. This group of financers become known as the â€Å"Secret Six†. How much of Brown’s plans the Secret Six knew still remains a mystery until today as these men were just there to fund Brown with â€Å"no questions asked. †On January of the following year, Brown received pledges of weapons from different abolitionist organizations and individuals. He travelled more and continued to look for funding. He received help in forms of numerous pledges but little of these pledges were translated to cash. Brown met with Hugh Forbes in New York in March. He hired Forbes to be the tactician and drillmaster of his army. Both met in Tabor and formulated a plan for their anti-slavery crusade in the south with them disagreeing with some of the details of the plan. They left for Kansas six months later without Forbes receiving his salary. He decided to leave for the east instead of going with Brown to Kansas. Brown travelled to Ontario to attend a Constitutional Convention. Chatham, Ontario’s population were mostly dominated by slave fugitives. It was here that Brown’s provisional constitution was adopted. Brown was elected as the commander-in-chief and Elder Monroe, an African man was elected as minister, and shall act as president until a new one was elected. Many of the delegates signed the Constitution, but only a few joined Brown’s forces. Many intended to join but Forbes attempted to reveal the plans to Henry Wilson, a Massachusetts senator. Many of the members of Brown’s inner circle felt fear that their names will go revealed to the public. The members of the Secret Six were divided. Some of them wanted Brown to execute his plans rapidly, while some insisted for postponement. To derail Forbes’ knowledge of his plan, Brown returned to Kansas and remained there for 6 months. He joined forces with James Montogomery, the leader of the raids in Missouri. Brown led his own attacks, managing to set 11 slaves free. He took the liberated man with him to Detroit and to Canada. He went from city to city to collect more support. He reconnected with the Secret Six, visited his family and departed for Harpers Ferry. Upon arrival in Harpers Ferry, he rented a farmhouse nearby for his new recruits. He never received the number of recruits he expected to come to support him. He revealed the plan to some of his supporters and some of them expressed their worry and qualms about the plan. One of them, Douglass, already knew of Brown’s plan since 1859 and has tried numerous attempts to avert the enlistment of blacks in Brown’s army. Some of the weapons fit for a thousand men arrived late September, but Brown only had 21 men. A month later, Brown led 19 of his men to attack the armory of Harpers Ferry. He planned to distribute the weapons here to arm the slaves in the locality. He would then lead these men to the south to liberate more slaves. His plan was to free the slaves of Virginia to maim the institution and kill off the life-line that kept the economy alive in the south. They easily entered the town and they captured the armory with no resistance. They also spread the news to the local slaves they were going to be freed soon. Things went awry when a passenger train arrived in town. One of the train staff warned the passengers about Brown’s men. Brown ordered him to halt then, but seeing that his warning was not heeded, shot him openly. News of the raid reached Washington by late morning. Brown’s men were held inside the armory by the angry residents of the town. Military men sealed off the bridge, the only escape route available. Brown moved inside the armory and had the doors and windows blocked. The soldiers and townspeople outside prevented the exit of anyone inside the armory, and sometimes, Brown’s men would shoot at the people outside. Brown sent out his son, Watson, and one of his men under the bearing of a white flag and yet the men outside shot them. Exchanges of shots were fired, and Oliver, another of Brown’s sons were wounded and killed. On October 18, John Brown’s fort was surrounded by the military. They were encouraged to surrender, but Brown refused, saying that he would rather die there. The military men then broke the doors and walls of the armory down and captured the men inside. Brown was charged with murder of 5 men, instigation of a rebellion among the slaves and treason against the state of Virginia. The court found him to be guilty on all three counts on November 2. He was sentenced to be publicly hanged a month later. On November 2, after a week-long trial and 45 minutes of deliberation, the Charles town jury found Brown guilty on all three counts. Brown was sentenced to be hanged in public on December 2. Before he died, he wrote, â€Å"I, John Brown, am now quite certain that the crimes of this guilty land will never be purged away but with blood. I had, as I now think, vainly flattered myself that without very much bloodshed it might be done. †METHODOLOGY The results of this study were obtained via data collection from documents from the internet, several books and journals. Data analysis of the information was performed and some personal opinions of the author were also injected into the analysis of the data gathered.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Normalization in Montessori Essay
Normalization that I have experience in a Montessori class-room between the ages of 3-4 years old. . In this essay I will be referring to the child as he/she. Human beings are born with the desire to know things, the urge to explore, and the need to master their environment. The class room is carefully prepared to train Children to develop their senses, to stimulate curiosity, to satisfy their child’s need-to-know and to protect them. (Kramer.1976) Firstly, the environment must be prepared to meet the needs of the children positively and all obstacles to the child’s development must be removed. Secondly, the environment had been prepared by the teacher before the children arrived in to the classroom. Thirdly, the teacher is there to direct the children positively in the classroom, and all of these processes prepares the child and contribute to normalization. In the Montessori classroom, another evidence of normalization can be witnessed when the child prepares for an activity through Movement and Freedom. The child chooses a table and chair. The child walks to the classroom shelves. Choose his activity. He chooses the practical life material (The pouring exercise) and carefully carries it back to his seat, placing the tray on his desk. He then begins the next cycle. In addition, concentration and freedom begin to develop gradually at this stage. The normalize child continue to show concentration with his work; and ignore other children in the class-room. â€Å"For his work is the expression of his mind†. (Montessori. 1949, P133). Bearing in mind the sensitive period for Order. He carried out his work, according to the presentation already shown to him previously by his teacher. I noticed how he kept on repeating the exercise, by pouring the water from one jug to another using his manipulative skills. Dr. Montessori’s observation about the girl that kept repeating the exercise â€Å"Forty-Two times†, flashed to my mind instantly. I notice how the child look content with what he was doing. This leads to repetition of the exercise over and over again. He remains calm and confident while carrying out the cycle of activity. Finally, after deriving satisfaction with himself and perfection, he checked to see if he made any spill (Control of Error). He smiled and carefully returns the (Pouring Exercise) back to the practical life shelve. The child demonstrates a sociable attitude. He smiled, and then turns to other children in the classroom after finishing his activity. â€Å"Montessori has arranged things so that the control of error is to be found in the materials themselves†. (Standing. 1962, P 80). He displays the characteristics of normalization previously listed. He was self discipline and stood up quietly after the exercise, and very graceful in his movement, Order and Language. To summarise my point, In a Montessori classroom, the practice of Montessori‘s teaching on â€Å"Normalization†is daily practiced everyday in the Montessori environment. The idea that the environment is prepared, encourage children to work on activities of their own choice at their own time. It helps the child to show the characteristics expected from a normalized child that is -Independent, Respectful, Love of Order, Work, Silence, Mutual cooperation, Obedient and Joy. In Conclusion; I believed that Normalization is constantly practiced in the classroom and this facilitates the child to develop physically, psychologically, emotionally and spiritually. Finally after understanding how to meet all the needs of the child, this normalized child appears in the Montessori classroom.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Essay On The North Coast Town Essay
There are multiple connotations of discovery that could be analyzed and explored in the poem north coast town by Robert Gary. Two main principles of discovery that could be allocated throughout the poem is the illustration of the small town becoming more commercialized, illustrated by the persona. From evaluating the poem, the audience is able to recognize and understand that this north coast town was once a traditional Australian town, however it has transform due to the influences of Americas California. One poetical device that Robert Gary manipulates in his poem north coast town to elaborate the image of time going by slowly is alliteration and reputation. From the quote†car after car now†¦Ã¢â‚¬ located in the third stanza third line, the readers can see that the persona is standing and watching what is happing in the town. The persona can see that this north coast town is changing excessively through period of time due to the influence of America. ‘(With their men’s locked), a closed hamburger stand â€Å" locked and closed are diction words composed by the composer suggesting that people are not made to fell welcome here, no trust. It could also suggest that the member of the town has changed so much from commercialism to â€Å" tattoos and greasy fifties pompadours†Another technique that the composer has operated throughout his poem to convey the concepts of discovery made by the persona is visual imagery. If you investigate the first line of the fourth stanza†a car slowed and I chased it.two hoods going shooting. Tattoos and greasy fifties pompadours. Rev in high streets, drop their first can†the composer generates build up words in hoods, shooting, tattoos, greasy, rev and drop to associate the members of the town with tough, destructive, drunk and uncaring males. They display a lack of concern for their environment, littering it. As a result the audience of the poem is contributed a image of the characteristics of the members of the town having lack in spiritual and modern values, there a bit behind time having the fifties pompadour hair cuts in the seventies. The tattoos on the members of the town represent the rebellious as only the rebels got tattoos in seventies. All these characteristics and features of the characterizes of the town is produced by employing a colloquial language technique in the forth stanza, especially ‘rev in high street, drop their first can demonstrating and leaving a negative impact of the members of the town on the audience. Robert Gary has also used third person language in the last stanza†they’re making California’. Distancing the poet from the changes in Australia. There is a negative feeling towards trying to change the Australian landscape to California-an image that doesn’t meet our landscape. Robert gray has also used contrast in the last stanza comparing the abo to California, isolating the aboriginal person from the audience attentention to the ‘real’ and ‘original’ Australia has been violated and taken over comparing to the landscape to been violated and taken over by the influence of California. In conclusion, it has come to my understanding that Robert Gary, Australia’s finest poet has written this poem about a north coast town which is/has been under the influence of the characteristics and features of Americas California. As a result, changing the structure and behaviors of the members of the town. From understanding this poem as a reader I have understand that the persona is going through a physical and mental discovery as he/she observes the towns and the changes that had occurred over time and how members of the town have been influenced by Americanism and commercialism.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Organisational design Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Organisational design - Essay Example Noncompetitive businesses and institutions such as government controlled administrations mostly thrive on centralised structures. The managers need to consider if they want to achieve the same results where they follow a rigid work routine then they can comfortably rely on a centralised control system. However, if they seek to get the competitive edge, especially if they are in the technology business, then they need to give more autonomy to respective departments and teams. â€Å"†¦a routine technology and a stable environment all tend to be associated with organizations that have greater formalization, specialization and centralisation†(Daft, Murphy, & Willmott, 2010, p. 26) If the managers are in a business that feeds on creative ideas then they need to make their departments autonomous. The tech industry is a prominent example of highly decentralised model because the more innovative and creative their ideas the better their competitive edge. Comparing a government operated tax department with a highly mobilized and competitive firm such as Apple or Samsung would reveal a centralised versus a decentralised business structure. The government department needs to be centralised while tech companies perform better when they are decentralised. Taking the same example a step further where marketing and TV commercials are made for any business. The process needs to be highly decentralised for the initiation of innovative ideas and creative pitch for customers. One thing that bears prime importance in this whole debate is that there are no black and white areas when the managers make a decision. Many organizations usually step on gray areas where there exists a mix of centralised and decentralised chain of command. In fact, decentralised structure poses a paradox for the managers. Giving too much autonomy to a department can be detrimental for the ultimate organizational goals. The head of the business cannot lose control
Thursday, September 26, 2019
An Ounce of Cure by Alice Munro Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
An Ounce of Cure by Alice Munro - Essay Example The author expresses the intensity of immaturity within the character in hr own words which says â€Å"I know I did not wash my face that night – to keep the imprint of those kisses intact†(Munro 17). The girl is unable to control her emotions and is in love with a young man called Martin Collingwood. Sadly this affair leaves her heart broken and depressed. This is evident in the changes in her appearance; she was turning pale for which her mother had to provide iron pills. Being a mature adult her mother was not much bothered to her that Martin has left her because she never felt that it was â€Å"so much for the better. I never saw a boy so stuck on himself†(Munro 17). Obviously the girl is unable to assess people and judged the boy by the sensations he aroused in her through his kisses and presence. After their separation she visits places where she can possibly locate him and is always eager to mention his name during conversations. The narrator herself adm its to this as she says, â€Å"Remember all the stupid, sad, half-ashamed things†¦that people in love always do†(Munro 17). This is especially true with adolescent love.
World Bank and the International Monetary Fund Essay
World Bank and the International Monetary Fund - Essay Example Through lending money, the bank supports the ambition of developing nations to join the European Union. This is done through Country Assistance Strategy. Work Bank provides both technical and financial assistance to the developing countries based on the assessment of the priorities of the country, creditworthiness and past portfolio performance (Sadler, 2009). In addition, the World Bank maintains macroeconomic stability, fosters human development, promotes sustainable growth of private sector and improves business environment, and also improves governance and strengthens institutions via building inclusive and efficient public institutions. The role of International Monetary Fund in providing loans to countries is somehow similar to those of World Bank. The International Monetary Fund has a mandate to oversee international financial and monetary system as well as monitor the financial and economic policies of the member countries. This is done through surveillance which enhances international cooperation. The International Monetary Fund also puts up lending conditions that ensure borrowing countries will repay the loan and that the nation will not solve its balance of payment in a manner to negatively affect the international economy (Sadler, 2009). Summarily, International Monetary Fund fosters economic stability and global growth, and poverty reduction through
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Compare and contrast the consequences of World Wars 1 and 2 for the Essay
Compare and contrast the consequences of World Wars 1 and 2 for the United States and its citizens - Essay Example The overall losses incurred by US as a result of its involvement in war were however, small as compared to the massive destruction faced by Europe. One of the most important consequences of the World War 1 was the increase in military posture of America in the world. Over the period of the war, US established itself as one of the suppliers of military equipment to the allies and established itself as one of the emerging manufacturing economy of the world. War also resulted into massive transfer of wealth from Europe to America as US not only provided equipment and military support but also offered loans. As a result of this, American economy got a boost as transfer of wealth has resulted into increased revenue for the government and also created jobs. At the social level, for Americans, war however, brought significant racial differences and social divisions. German Americans were harassed as well as racial tension gripped specially the migration of Southern Blacks. On home front, World War 1 therefore was something which further highlighted the differences between Americans within American society. Overall economic progressed was witnessed by the Americans as farmers put in more and more acreage to the use of the crops which were being readily sold. Gross farm income increased and as a result of this, the overall prosperity increased for ordinary Americans despite the fact that War has also brought losses in terms of shifting most of the government resources to the war. Though Second World War was fought far from the American borders but it believed to have created more lasting impacts on the American society as compared to the impact First World War had. In terms of the overall impact, second Great War had more serious and far reaching consequences for US. It is important to note that US was largely unprepared for Second World War and was forced to enter into the war when it was attacked by Japan. In first
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Was it a mistake for Hitler to allow German forces to venture into the Research Paper
Was it a mistake for Hitler to allow German forces to venture into the Mediterranean regions - Research Paper Example It was not famous for the bad defeat the Americans faced there. It was far better to lose in this way at the beginning of the engagement then later in the decisive days of the campaign. The truth is that what the American army learned in this loss helped them immeasurably to improve their command structure and strategy when dealing with the Germans later on. This led Hitler and the Germans to underestimate the Americans too. The truth was always that Hitler saw the Mediterranean as a diversion (Murray, 108). And that it is what it wasâ€â€something that distracted him from what he should have been doing, a mistake. Although many see Eisenhower as the most towering figure to come out from the victories of North Africa, two other Allied generals also made their name in that dusty theatre of war. The first of these two men, General Patton, was able to take control over one of the main American armies after the battle of the Kasserine Pass and to use it to maximum advantage. Patton wa s well known for driving his men hard and also for his iron discipline. The second famous general of this part of the conflict was the British general Bernard Montgomery, who became famous at the battle of El Alamein, one of the decisive victory of the North African theatre. These men gained the confidence in this theatre that they would later use to crush the Germans (Murray, 2002).
Monday, September 23, 2019
CorruptionDefoe's capitalist views and his moral purpose in Roxana Essay
CorruptionDefoe's capitalist views and his moral purpose in Roxana - Essay Example Robinson Crusoe extended the form of the picaresque and turned an adventure tale into a critique of colonialism. Moll Flanders did the same with the class of 'gentlewomen'. Roxana similarly has come to be accepted as a critique of early capitalism -- a time in English history when the industrial revolution was yet not a tactile reality but a creepy creature whose tugs on morality, civility and social infrastructure were being secretly felt. Defoe takes a old world morality tale about a woman's coming to terms with her own profession as a whore and turns it into a contemporary tale about capitalism's philosophy of self-aggrandizement and saleability of the self. In retrospect Defoe will seem prophetic in his constitution of the plot about Roxana's willing acceptance of her profession and how she readily agrees to 'capitalise' it when she knows her moral degradation is irreversible. In medieval morality plays, Roxana's good self would have been saved by a benign god who in a climactic moment would retrieve her from misery. But in Defoe's world emergent capitalism prevails over frivolling morality and what would have been a fallen life before becomes a life of opportunities for Roxana. No wonder Roxana is called Defoe's 'darkest' novel and that explains the crowd of critical and scholarly attention that it has received. The term 'dark' is not a secular word and hence burdens the novel with a given morality and wisdom. By such means it is easy to provide an ordinary, feminist framework for Roxana and turn it into a conventional male author's depiction of a bold woman, too much in control of her sexuality and hence too obviously susceptible to moral decrepitude and eventual fall. But at another level Roxana is a mock tale about capitalism, corruption and individual enterprise. As the novel proceeds, we see Roxana triumphant, outwitting the males in her life and by using them to achieve her own purposes. Later, she is seen to be felled again and reverts to her previous status of misery and helplessness. At one level if this is her punishment for living against the moral standards of the society and the fantasy of a protestant moralist, at another level it is a critique of the
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Mutations in Dna Essay Example for Free
Mutations in Dna Essay Although most mutations are either neutral or harmful they are also the raw material for evolution. Such mutations from alleles, alternate forms of a given gene that may produce differences in structure or function such as black, brown or blond hair in humans, or different mating calls in frogs. Stages of Mitosis~ 1)Parent cell. 2)Chromosomes make identical copies of themselves. 3)They line up along the centre. 4)They move apart. 5)Two daughter cells form with identical chromosomes to the parent cell. Homologous chromosomes have the same genes, but each homologue may have the same alleles of some genes and different alleles others. The cell cycle is tightly controlled. Both during the embryonic development and during the maintenance and repair of the adult body, progressing through the cell cycle is regulated primarily by two interacting processes. (1)Production of, and responses to, growth factors that generally speed up the cell cycle; (2)Intracellular checkpoints that stop the cell cycle if problems such as mutations in the DNA or misalignment of the chromosomes have occurred. Most cancers develop because one of both of these processes goes awry. Many different molecules control the cell cycle; Porto-oncogenes:Any gene whose proteins tends to promote mitotic cell division if called a proton-oncogene. The genes for growth factors, grow factor receptors, and some cyclins and Cdks are proton-oncogenes. In most cases, progress through the cell cycle beings when a growth-stimulating protein such as epidermal growth factor (EGF) binds to a receptor on the surface of a cell. This stimulates the synthesis of cyclins which bind to Cdks and activate them. Thus, these proton-oncogenes are essential to the normal control of the cell cycle. Tumor suppressor genes:The protein products of tumor suppressor genes prevent uncontrolled cell division and the production of daughter cells with mutated DNA, both of which are common in tumors. Cdks regulate the activity of other proteins by adding a phosphate group to them. One such protein is Rb. Normally, Rb inhibits transcription of several genes whose protein products are required for DNA synthesis. Phosphorylation of Rb by Cdks relieves this inhibition in the G, phase of the cell cycle, allowing the cell to proceed to the S phase and replicate its DNA. This chain of events, from growth faction stimulation to phosphorylation of Rb, ensures that the cell cycle starts up only when the body needs it to. Another tumor suppressor protein, called P53 monitors the integrity of the cells DNA and indirectly regulates Rb activity. Healthy cells with intact DNA, contain little P53. However, when DNA has been damaged (for example by ultraviolet rays in sunlight), P53 levels rise. The P53 proteins that inhibit Cdks. If Cdks are inhibited then Rb is not phosphorylated and DNA synthesis is blocked; this prevents the cell from producing daughter cells with damaged DNA. The P53 stimulated the synthesis of DNA repair enzymes. After the DNA has been repaired, P53 levels decline, Cdks become active, Rb becomes phosphorylated and the cell enters the S phase. If the DNA cannot be repaired, P53 triggers a special from of cell death called apoptosis, in which the cell cuts up its DNA and effectively commits suicide.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Agricultural Climate Adaptation Plan
Agricultural Climate Adaptation Plan Krity Neermul Agricultural Climate Adaptation Plan: A Case Study of the Mauritius Sugar Cane Industry Introduction: Climate change being now a reality, the future weather projections of Mauritius is contemplating a warmer and drier condition in the coming years. The annual temperature is expected to increase by 2.0Â °C by the 2060s and a decrease in the annual rainfall by 13% by 2050s coupled with extreme events like recurrent flash flood, acute drought and cyclone (McSweeney et al., 2010). Agriculture is fundamentally driven and dependent on climate and as such any distortion in the climatic conditions would have serious consequences on production. Likewise, the thread of climate change to the sugarcane industry of Mauritius is now real. Hence, given it considerable economic, social and environmental importance, sugar cane industry should be; prepared for and shielded again, the potential devastating effect of climate change. It is undebatable that the effect of climate on the industry would be felt all throughout its value chain line starting from the primary industry, passing through secondary level and going up the ladder till the national economic benchmark (Muchow et al., 1999). The impacts are real which are mainly due to due rise in temperature, low precipitation and extreme events and are concentrated around: Low yield Decrease in sugar production. Inefficient planning of crushing campaign by millers and harvesting period extended. Penalties by buyer, for unable to supply required amount of sugar as per contract. Required underground water for irrigation. Hence competition with other crops. Emergence of pests and diseases. Replantation constraints. Decrease of GDP. Decrease in foreign currency return. Affect policy and national budget program. Economic dis-balance Having an overview of the potential impacts of climate change on the Mauritian Sugarcane Industry, its effect can be reduced by formulating the right mitigation and adaptation strategies. Both strategies are of uttermost importance in the sense that; mitigation would mainly focus on stratagems required to limits further deterioration of the global climate and adaptation would address specific issues on how to reduce the severity of climate change due to past and future emission by mankind. Therefore the objective of this paper is to prepare an adaptation and mitigation plan on how to make the sugarcane industry viable and continue to be effective in projected harsh climatic conditions like higher temperature, low precipitation and extreme events. 2.0Â Adaptation strategies 2.1 Government involvement The Government of Mauritius being a signatory of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and member in several international bodies like IPCC, World Climate Programme of the World Meteorological Organisation and UNFCCC, is duty bound to fulfil its commitment in mitigating and preparation of its national adaptation plan for climate change. Furthermore, in the wake of framing the adaptation plan, the leadership of the government is crucial for its concretisation together with all stakeholders. Government of Mauritius should play a central role in the development of an adaptation strategy for the sugarcane sector pertaining to policy formulation, research and development, fund disbursement, role of institutions among others. The concept of Maurice Ile Durable is the right project which is looking into climate adaptation strategies. 2.2Â Research and development Assessment proves that climate change particularly due to low rainfall and rise in temperature would affect sugar cane production if the existing varieties together with operational framework are maintained. Therefore, to mitigate the effect of water stress due to low rainfall and high temperature, researches should be oriented toward breeding new cultivars that would be drought resistant and at the same time withstand higher temperature. There is real potential in breeding new varieties, like evocated by Inman-Bamber et al., (2012) that sugarcane cultivar differences in drought adaptation exist and concurrently, Matthieson (2007) further stated that plant breeders should therefore continue to breed varieties that tolerate drought conditions or greater water use efficiency. Another strategy could be that growers drop single variety plantation throughout their fields and move to multi-cultivars field cover which would decrease the risk of collateral damage in the event of failure of o ne particular variety due to water stress (Challinor et al., 2007). Pests and diseases incidences are expected to increase with climate change and they are even expected to be difficult to control due to alteration of their genomes (Harmon et al., 2009). To that regard, together with plant breeding program, biotechnology could be an essential tool in developing new cultivars which would be pests and diseases resistant and their release could be faster in an eventual outbreaks. As stated by Cheavegatti-Gianotto et al. (2011) that apart from conventional breeding of new varieties to shadow the effect of climate change, researchers should practice biotechnology so as to diminish abiotic and biotic stresses associated with sugarcane. These tasks are under the responsibilities of the Mauritius Sugarcane Industry Research Institute which is the sugarcane research and development arm of the Island. 2.3Â Water and land requirement Water is expected to be a limited resources in the near future as a result of climate change and the effect of low water availability on sugar cane production is well known. Therefore, apart from having drought tolerant varieties, it is essential to curtail water wastage and inefficient use. In view thereof, introduction of appropriate irrigation technologies and schemes are fundamental like increasing use of supplementary water, optimisation of irrigation scheduled to maximise water use efficiency, effective irrigation water delivery technologies, and modification to row spacing, minimum tillage and the use of cover crops. Under its reform program of the sugarcane industry, the Government of Mauritius is already investing in the Field Operation, Re-grouping and Irrigation Project (FORIP). Since most small farmers fields are rain fed, thus the aim is to install irrigation facilities to these lands which would at time benefit the growers and also preparing to sustain future attack of climate change. Another ambitious project laid by the government is construction of additional dams for water storage and this would be an important strategy in mitigating the effect of low rainfall in the long run. Climate change would also affect the soil structure required by sugarcane for growth and maturing. Heavy rainfall, cyclone and thunderstorms as a result of climate change, impact the soil aggregate, causes surface runoff and affect infiltration rate (VÃ ¡rallyay, 2010). Furthermore, Brevik (2013) mapped response of plants to elevated atmospheric CO2level with soil nutrients (N and P) dis-balance and soil organic matter reduction essential to support growth and maintain soil stability. In Mauritius sugarcane is harvested either fresh of burnt. Therefore one possible way to mitigate effect of climate change would be adopting fresh harvest. This would imply leaving all residues in the fields which could be useful in weed suppression, increasing the content of organic matter in the soil which increases water holding capacity; improve soil structure and biological activity in the soil. Furthermore use of trash blanketing to intercept raindrops and increase water infiltration; conserve ti llage, and alter row configurations are also recommended. 2.4Â Harvesting and milling requirement It is known that decrease yield would create some degree of uncertainty in planning for harvesting and crushing campaign. A potential strategy could be use of seasonal climate forecasts in planning for optimum harvesting and crushing season. Low yield would also entail poor viability and profitability of sugar mills. In this line, in the Multi Annual Adaptation Strategy (MAAS) mentioned has been made for centralisation of existing sugar factories into clusters so as to be more efficient and profitable. Previously there were 21 factories around the island and now with the reform spelled under MAAS, there are 4 big flexi-factories which are operational. Despite sugarcane is mainly cultivated for sugar production, yet derivatives products like energy from bagasse and bio-fuel from molasses are having increasing important. The concept of flexi-factory resides around the fact that the mill can instantly shift from its main product which is sugar, in case of an event, to another production like electricity from biomass. This could become an economic opportunity in case the primary industry is affected with regard to low sucrose content within the crop stand. 2.5Â Extreme events (Cyclone) More cyclone with higher intensity is expected as a result of climate change and such occurrence would affect the whole industry. During cyclone the crop would be affected seriously which would require additional post cyclone inputs for the re-establishment. As an adaptation strategy, it is therefore proposed to plant trees around the field to act as windbreak. In order to mitigate the financial losses to be incurred by planters in an event of cyclone, government should encourage growers to take insurance policy again the associated risk. 2.6Â Economic implications Financial shortfall due to low sugar production could have serious economic consequences for all stakeholders of the industry including national budgetary planning. To lessen the economic burden that might result due to climate change, initiatives like diversification of the economy is imperative. Emerging sectors like ICT and offshores are already in the pipeline of the central government policy framework. Since Mauritius has a contractual obligation to supply 400, 000 tonnes of refined white sugar annually to the buyer, therefore a good initiative has recently been taken which deal with importing raw sugar from other partner countries and reprocessing same into white sugar. This step fill the gap if ever the quota is not met as a result of climate change. 3.0Â Barriers to effective adaptation plan for the sugarcane industry In the attempt to prepare an effective adaptation plan for the Mauritian Sugarcane industry to continue to be resilient despite facing the negative impacts of climate change, several barriers emerged. The barriers are particularly categorised in four main pillars pertaining to regulatory, organisational, market failure and behavioural barriers. 3.1Â Regulatory barriers The central government has a very important role to play in the preparation of the adaptation strategies for policy and regulatory making. As evocated earlier that biotechnology could prove to be an essential tool for designing new cultivars that would suit and adapt climate change. Moreover, one barrier that exist is that there is no proper piece of legislation so far that would legalised biotechnology and genetically modified organism. Another barrier is not enough fund and resources being allocated to the sugar cane industry these days hence constraints for the scientist to explore deeper for potential varieties. It is often observed that in the Finance Act these days marginal finance is deployed to RD for sugarcane industry in fact there is reduction of staff and cut cost process. Mentioned has also been made for insurance cover but the constraint that might arose is government intervention with private companies or for subsidies initiatives. Government processes always take time and this would acting as an obstacle for prompt intervention to help and assist for farmers in distress following extreme events like cyclone. Mentioned has also been made for the concept of flexi-factory pertaining to electricity generation rather than sugar manufacture in extreme event. The biggest draw back and barrier for this concept is that planters, entitlement. The current law makes provision for planters being remunerated for amount of recoverable sugar from their cane and a very marginal return from bagasse used to generate electricity. Therefore if no proper act is enacted where equitable share of return is given to the planters’ community then the take-off of the flexi-factory project particularly for energy production would be hindered. 3.1.1Â Organisational Barrier Disputes between millers and farmers are omnipresent when sugarcane quality supplied to the factories come in to play. Arbitration of disputes have never been an easy and rapid task since it has legal implications. Therefore in circumstances of extreme event where the sucrose per cent is low, millers would refused to take the cane for milling until a decision is not taken by competent authorities. The time taken by organisation to make a decision would result in more economic losses to planters since already harvested canes deteriorate with time if milling delayed. 3.1.2 Market failures It is proposed that raw sugar be imported from other countries and reprocessed into refine white sugar in case the quota not fulfilled from local production. But the main constraint might be market accessibility and acceptability. There is a growing concern for fair trade these days where all cultural practices are documented and norms respected. Moreover, if raw sugar is used from a country which does not satisfy the standards, then this strategy would just fail and its recurrent might end up the contractual agreement, then further problem would arise in searching for alternate potential buyers. 3.1.3 Behavioural barriers. Acceptance of GMO is still having some ethnical refusal and this would act as a barrier in developing new resistant varieties. It is commonly observed that planters are more attached to traditional farming and system and they are quite resistant in adopting new strategies like regrouping and mechanisation. Therefore this is impeding the ambitious project of FORIP to reach its cruised speed with the objective to mitigate the effects of climate change. 4.0Â Mitigation strategies In the attempt of decreasing considerably green-house gas emission in the atmosphere, sugarcane industry could play a role model. The co-generation of electricity recently embraced by the sugarcane industry is a good show piece. In this concept, during the harvesting period, the power plant utilised bagasse instead of coal to produce electricity for export to the national grid. The sugarcane industry is a whole picture in itself where every emission from power plant are trapped back by the sugarcane plant which is well known for its carbon dioxide fixing capability. Another by-product which came out from the processing of sugar is filter cake (scum). The scum is used as bio-fertiliser in grower’s fields. This strategy decreases the dependency on chemical fertiliser and at the same time helps in soil conservation. 5.0Â Conclusion To conclude, the impacts of climate change is likely to affect all stakeholders of the Mauritian Sugarcane Industry throughout all its operating value chain. Having a good adaptation plan is important but to be successful, the adaptation strategies demand for active participation of each and every one. Moreover, not all strategies could easily be implemented because there are barriers that prevent its effective implementation. Furthermore as always said prevention is better than cure, then it is equally important to have a climate change mitigation framework with aim not to further deteriorate the already affected climate. References McSweeney, C., M. New and G. Lizcano (2010). UNDP Climate Change Country Profiles: Mauritius. School of Geography and Environment, University of Oxford. Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research. Muchow, R.C., Robertson M.J. and Keating, B.A. (1997). Limits to the Australian sugar industry: climatic and biological factors. In ‘Intensive sugarcane production: meeting the challenges Beyond 2000. BA Keating, JR Wilson (eds) pp. 37–54. (CAB International: Wallingford, UK). Mathieson L (2007). Climate change and the Australian Sugar Industry: Impacts, adaptation and R D opportunities. Sugar Research and Development Corporation. Australia. Challinor A, Wheeler T, Garforth C, Craufurd P, Kassam A (2007). Assessing the vulnerability of food crop systems in Africa to climate change. Climate Change 83:381-399. Inman-Bamber N G, Lakshmanan P, Park S (2012). Sugarcane for water-limited environments: Theoretical assessment of suitable traits. Field Crops Res. 134:95–104. Harmon, J.P., Moran N.A. and Ives, R.A. (2009). Species Response to Environmental Change: Impacts of Food Web Interactions and Evolution. Science 323:1347. Cheavegatti-Gianotto A, Abreu H M C, Arruda P, Bespalhok F J C, Burnquist W L, Creste S, Ciero L, Ferro J A, Oliveira F A V, Sousa F T, Grossi-de-SÃ ¡ M F, Guzzo E C, Hoffmann H P, Andrade L M G, Matsuoka S, Castro R F, Romano E, Silva W J, Castro S F M, CÃ ©sar U E (2011). Sugarcane (Saccharum X officinarum): A Reference Study for the Regulation of Genetically Modified Cultivars in Brazil. Tropical Plant Biol. 4(1):62-89. Park, S., Howden, M. and Horan, H. (2007). Evaluating the impact of and capacity for adaptation to climate change on sectors in the sugar industry value chain in Australia. Proceedings of the International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists 26, 312-324. Multi Annual Adaptation Strategy Report, (2006 – 2015), Mauritius. Brevik, E.C. (2013). The Potential Impact of Climate Change on Soil Properties and Processes and Corresponding Influence on Food Security VÃ ¡rallyay, G. (2010). The impact of climate change on soils and on their water management. Research Institute for Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry (RISSAC) of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest. Agronomy Research 8 (Special Issue II), 385–396
Friday, September 20, 2019
tempnature Caliban as Representative of Natural Man in Shakespeares T
Caliban as Representative of Natural Man in The Tempest         The Tempest presents an argument against the concept of the noble savage through the character of Caliban. Caliban is the main focus as far as the notion of "nature" and "natural man" is considered in the play. Proof of this can be found in his name--"Caliban" sounds very similar to "cannibal," and hence serves to link him with primitive, natural man. In the first scene of the play, Caliban's character is connected with the lower objects of the planet, including the "springs, brine-pits, barren place and fertile." Caliban thus appears to be beneath most human men because of his bestial nature. His mother's background also indicates that there may be quite a bit of evil in him. Characters in the play call him a "monster," however, at times, Caliban speaks some of the most beautiful and lyrical language in the play. Thus, Caliban, as the representative of nature, emerges as a very complex character.             In the first scene, it seems as if Shakespeare intended to present Caliban as a beast and a savage. However, two items come across to reveal the fact that Caliban is more than just a monster, he is a human being with real emotions (Wagner 13). First, the audience sees a sense of sensitivity when Caliban reflects on his previous relationship with Prospero, when Prospero spared him and attempted to educate him. Prospero exchanged his teachings for lessons from Caliban about the island itself; because Caliban is so close to nature, he is the best person to teach Prospero about it:  When thou cam'st first, Thou strok'st me and made much of me, wouldst give me Water with berries in 't, and teach me how To name the bigge... ...gne would expect to see. Not only does Caliban act instinctually, thus pushing him beyond the bounds of morality, but he is also spiteful and angry. On the other hand, Shakespeare does not demonstrate a bigoted response, for if he believed that the natives deserved what they got, he would not have made Caliban so sympathetic. Hence, Caliban becomes a natural representation of what Shakespeare believed the natives were: a complex mixture of various aspects.  Works Cited  Ferguson, Francis. Shakespeare: The Pattern in his Carpet. New York: Delacourt Press, 1970.  Knight, Wilson. The Wheel of Fire. London: Oxford University Press, 1930.  Thorndike, Ashley. How Shakespeare Came to Write "The Tempest." Garden City: Doubleday Anchor Books, 1969.  Wagner, Emmar. Shakespeare's Tempest. Yellow Springs: Antioch Press, 1933.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
The Relationship between a Parent and Their Child in Khaled Hosseini´s
In Khaled Hosseini’s novel â€Å"The Kite Runner†, he illustrates how he develops the characters through their words and actions. Being the main character, Amir is faced with the challenge of gaining his father’s affection/approval because he is Baba’s son. However, how Amir obtains his father’s affection/approval was through immoral ways. Baba on the other hand, had trouble showing his fatherly affection to Amir which causes bitterness within their father/son relationship. In this novel, we will explore how the relationship between a parent and a child is shown through their yearning of affection and how it can affect how one would be in the future. Baba is the most important person to Amir because he is Amir’s role model and world. How Baba express his feelings of being a parent is shown through his interactions and speeches with Amir. In Baba’s eyes, he finds it hard to believe that Amir is his son because â€Å"if I hadn’t seen the doctor pull him †¦ never believe he’s my son†(23). Amir cannot defend himself and is often in the position of receiving assistance from Hassan. Growing up, Baba never had to rely on someone else when he got pushed around from the neighborhood kids. He always showed them up, but with Amir, he can’t even defend himself without Hassan’s help. Baba’s disappoint towards Amir not being able to defend himself furthers their already distant relationship. While creating his name, Baba had married a highly educated woman who was regarded as one of Kabul’s most respected, beautiful and virtuous lady. For Baba, it was fine to be married to a poet, â€Å"but fathering a son who preferred burying his face in poetry books to hunting †¦ well, that wasn’t how [he] had envisioned it,†(19-20). Baba doesn’t approve of Amir reading... ...the issue of winning Baba’s love because he was the legitimate son. The importance of having a healthy parent/child relationship is so that the child grows up to be in the right path and not regret anything. For Amir, that did not happen because Baba was hardly ever there for Amir. Hosseini displays the two developed characters emotions through their actions and words of how they express their father/son relationship. The relationship between a parent and a child is important because it helps develops the child’s character of how they will be in the future. The more care and affection that is given, the better the child understand that he/she is being loved. For Amir and Baba’s parent/child relationship, they had started off on the wrong foot, but eventually it had gotten better as the story progress. Therefore, making the child and parents relationship better.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Human Necessity :: Religion Christianity Papers
Human Necessity Today, we live in a world where the question, "why?" proceeds nearly every statement or action. We live in a society where faith alone, for most, is not enough to justify belief. In her novel Regeneration, Pat Barker shows us this need to question by referring to the Gospel of Saint Luke. On page 106, Dr. Rivers recites Luke 4:23 to himself: "Ye will sure say unto me this proverb. Physician heal thyself." Barker uses this Biblical reference to develop a theme concurrent with the entire novel: our innate human need to seek justification for actions. The phrase, "Ye will surely say unto me this proverb. Physician heal thyself," is spoken by Jesus in the Gospel of Saint Luke. Saint Luke tells us that at the age of 30 Jesus began his public ministry. Prior to his preaching, he had worked as a simple carpenter in the city of Nazareth (New International Version Bible, Luke 3:23). Upon hearing about the arrest of John the Baptist, Jesus left Nazareth and went to Capernaum, a city close to the Jordan River. In Capernaum, Jesus began his teachings. Jesus would preach in synagogues and perform miracles: casting out demons, making the paralyzed walk, and relieving deadly fevers from the sick ("Capernaum"). News of the coming of a Messiah spread all over Galilee, including to Jesus' hometown of Nazareth, where the residents had never known Jesus as the Messiah, or as a man who could perform miracles. To the residents of Nazareth, Jesus was merely a simple carpenter. For thirty years, the people of Nazareth had referred to Jesus as "The Perfect Man," but never had witnessed a miracle or anything that would prompt them to think more highly of Jesus (Gledenhuys 167). The residents of Nazareth had heard of Jesus' miracles at Capernaum and were eager to see if this man, whom they had known since birth, was what he claimed to be. Jesus began preaching to the Nazarenes, but as he spoke the residents began to grumble and question each other: "Isn't this Joseph's son?" (New International Version Bible, Luke 4:22). They did not believe that Jesus was the Messiah, because they had not seen any physical evidence; they had not witnessed a miracle. Jesus, sensing their lack of faith, says to them, "Y e will surely say unto me this proverb. Physician heal thyself" (New International Version Bible, Luke 4:23).
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
A Tale of Two Cities- Quotes
A Tale of Two Cities quotes & explanation 1. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way. . . Explanation for Quotation 1 >> These famous lines, which open A Tale of Two Cities, hint at the novel’s central tension between love and family, on the one hand, and oppression and hatred, on the other. The passage makes marked use of anaphora, the repetition of a phrase at the beginning of consecutive clausesâ€â€for example, â€Å"it was the age . . . it was the age†and â€Å"it was the epoch . . . it was the epoch. . . †This technique, along with the passage’s steady rhythm, suggests that g ood and evil, wisdom and folly, and light and darkness stand equally matched in their struggle. The opposing pairs in this passage also initiate one of the novel’s most prominent motifs and structural figuresâ€â€that of doubles, including London and Paris, Sydney Carton and Charles Darnay, Miss Pross and Madame Defarge, and Lucie and Madame Defarge. 2. A wonderful fact to reflect upon, that every human creature is constituted to be that profound secret and mystery to every other.A solemn consideration, when I enter a great city by night, that every one of those darkly clustered houses encloses its own secret; that every room in every one of them encloses its own secret; that every beating heart in the hundreds of thousands of breasts there, is, in some of its imagin-ings, a secret to the heart nearest it! Something of the awfulness, even of Death itself, is referable to this. Explanation for Quotation 2 >> The narrator makes this reflection at the beginning of Book the Fi rst, Chapter 3, after Jerry Cruncher delivers a cryptic message to Jarvis Lorry in the darkened mail coach.Lorry’s missionâ€â€to recover the long-imprisoned Doctor Manette and â€Å"recall†him to lifeâ€â€establishes the essential dilemma that he and other characters face: namely, that human beings constitute perpetual mysteries to one another and always remain somewhat locked away, never fully reachable by outside minds. This fundamental inscrutability proves most evident in the case of Manette, whose private sufferings force him to relapse throughout the novel into bouts of cobbling, an occupation that he first took up in prison.Throughout the novel, Manette mentally returns to his prison, bound more by his own recollections than by any attempt of the other characters to â€Å"recall†him into the present. This passage’s reference to death also evokes the deep secret revealed in Carton’s self-sacrifice at the end of the novel. The exact p rofundity of his love and devotion for Lucie remains obscure until he commits to dying for her; the selflessness of his death leaves the reader to wonder at the ways in which he might have manifested this great love in life. . The wine was red wine, and had stained the ground of the narrow street in the suburb of Saint Antoine, in Paris, where it was spilled. It had stained many hands, too, and many faces, and many naked feet, and many wooden shoes. The hands of the man who sawed the wood, left red marks on the billets; and the forehead of the woman who nursed her baby, was stained with the stain of the old rag she wound about her head again.Those who had been greedy with the staves of the cask, had acquired a tigerish smear about the mouth; and one tall joker so besmirched, his head more out of a long squalid bag of a night-cap than in it, scrawled upon a wall with his finger dipped in muddy wine-leesâ€â€blood. Explanation for Quotation 3 >> This passage, taken from Book the Fi rst, Chapter 5, describes the scramble after a wine cask breaks outside Defarge’s wine shop. This episode opens the novel’s examination of Paris and acts as a potent depiction of the peasants’ hunger.These oppressed individuals are not only physically starvedâ€â€and thus willing to slurp wine from the city streetsâ€â€but are also hungry for a new world order, for justice and freedom from misery. In this passage, Dickens foreshadows the lengths to which the peasants’ desperation will take them. This scene is echoed later in the novel when the revolutionariesâ€â€now similarly smeared with red, but the red of bloodâ€â€gather around the grindstone to sharpen their weapons.The emphasis here on the idea of staining, as well as the scrawling of the word blood, furthers this connection, as does the appearance of the wood-sawyer, who later scares Lucie with his mock guillotine in Book the Third, Chapter 5. Additionally, the image of the wine lappin g against naked feet anticipates the final showdown between Miss Pross and Madame Defarge in Book the Third, Chapter 14: â€Å"The basin fell to the ground broken, and the water flowed to the feet of Madame Defarge. By strange stern ways, and through much staining of blood, those feet had come to meet that water. †4.Along the Paris streets, the death-carts rumble, hollow and harsh. Six tumbrels carry the day’s wine to La Guillotine. All the devouring and insatiate Monsters imagined since imagination could record itself, are fused in one realization, Guillotine. And yet there is not in France, with its rich variety of soil and climate, a blade, a leaf, a root, a sprig, a peppercorn, which will grow to maturity under conditions more certain than those that have produced this horror. Crush humanity out of shape once more, under similar hammers, and it will twist itself into the same tortured forms.Sow the same seed of rapacious license and oppression over again, and it w ill surely yield the same fruit according to its kind. Explanation for Quotation 4 >> In this concise and beautiful passage, which occurs in the final chapter of the novel, Dickens summarizes his ambivalent attitude toward the French Revolution. The author stops decidedly short of justifying the violence that the peasants use to overturn the social order, personifying â€Å"La Guillotine†as a sort of drunken lord who consumes human livesâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬Å"the day’s wine. Nevertheless, Dickens shows a thorough understanding of how such violence and bloodlust can come about. The cruel aristocracy’s oppression of the poor â€Å"sow[s] the same seed of rapacious license†in the poor and compels them to persecute the aristocracy and other enemies of the revolution with equal brutality. Dickens perceives these revolutionaries as â€Å"[c]rush[ed] . . . out of shape†and having beenâ€Å"hammer[ed] . . . into . . . tortured forms. These depictions evidence his belief that the lower classes’ fundamental goodness has been perverted by the terrible conditions under which the aristocracy has forced them to live. 5. I see a beautiful city and a brilliant people rising from this abyss, and, in their struggles to be truly free, in their triumphs and defeats, through long years to come, I see the evil of this time and of the previous time of which this is the natural birth, gradually making expiation for itself and wearing out. . . I see that child who lay upon her bosom and who bore my name, a man winning his way up in that path of life which once was mine. I see him winning it so well, that my name is made illustrious there by the light of his. . . . It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done; it is a far, far better rest I go to than I have ever known. Explanation for Quotation 5 >>Though much debate has arisen regarding the value and meaning of Sydney Carton’s sacrifice at the end of the novel, the surest key to interpretation rests in the thoughts contained in this passage, which the narrator attributes to Carton as he awaits his sacrificial death. This passage, which occurs in the final chapter, prophesies two resurrections: one personal, the other national. In a novel that seeks to examine the nature of revolutionâ€â€the overturning of one way of life for anotherâ€â€the struggles of France and of Sydney Carton mirror each other.Here, Dickens articulates the outcome of those struggles: just as Paris will â€Å"ris[e] from [the] abyss†of the French Revolution’s chaotic and bloody violence, so too will Carton be reborn into glory after a virtually wasted life. In the prophecy that Paris will become â€Å"a beautiful city†and that Carton’s name will be â€Å"made illustrious,†the reader sees evidence of Dickens’s faith in the essential goodness of humankind. The very last thoughts attributed to Carton, in their poetic use of repetit ion, register this faith as a calm and soothing certainty.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Management Information System Essay
In this paper I will be answering the case study questions that involve; when antivirus cripples your computer, how secure is the cloud, are electronic records a cure for health care and also a tale of two IS project. Surprisingly about 90% of computers are completed infected with spyware, which make it the most common problem for most technical support staffs. That includes that major software companies. When spyware happen to become present on the computer, act as soon as possible to remove the problem and get the computer back in top condition. Cloud computing covers a lot of areas, cloud computing approach to IT where many users get information to shared computing resources, rather than each having their own dedicated servers. The lack of computer automation in the U.S health care system is appalling, electronic records have multiple benefits, they ensure that patients have coverage, and also explain exactly what is covered and what if the patient have a deductible, it explains it. In the next passage I will be answering the case study questions regarding the information provided. Case study questions When antivirus software cripples your computers 1. What management, organization, and technology factors have been responsible for McAfee’s software problems? 2. What was the business impact of this software problem, both for MacAfee and for its customers? 3. If you were a MacAfee enterprise customer, would you consider MacAfee’s response to the problem is acceptable? Why or why not? 4. What should McAfee do in the future to avoid similar problems? How secure is the cloud? 1. What security and control problems are described in this case? 2. What people, organization, and technology factors contribute to these questions? 3. How secure is cloud computing? Explain your answer. 4. If you were in charge of your company’s information systems department, what issues would you want to clarify with prospective vendors? 5. Would you entrust your corporate systems to a cloud computing provider? Why or why not? Are electronic medical records a cure for health care? 1. What management, organization, and technology factors are responsible for the difficulties in building electronic medical record systems? Explain your answer 2. What stages of system building will be the most difficult when creating electronic medical record systems? Explain your answer. 3. What is the business and social impact of not digitizing medical records (to individual physicians, hospitals, insurers, patients)? JetBlue an WestJet: a tale of two IS projects 1. How important is the reservation system at airlines such as JetBlue? How does it impact operational activities and decisions making? 2. Evaluate the key risk factors of the project to upgrade the reservations system of WestJet and JetBlue. 3. Classify and describe the problems each airline faced in implementing its new reservation system. What management, organizational, and technology factors caused those problems? 4. Describe the steps you would have taken to control the risk in these projects.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Erikson’s stages of psychosocial development
Biography of Erik Erikson Erik Hamburger Erikson born in 1902 Frankfurt, Germany. He never knew his biological father. A few years after Erie's birth, her mother took him to a local Jewish pediatrician, Dry. Theodore Hamburger for a treatment of minor illness. His mother and the pediatrician eventually fell in love. He quickly developed a sense that something was wrong his mother and father were Jewish his own physical appearance was clearly Scandinavian. Later on he found the truth about his heritage, his identity crisis was worsened. Rejecting his stepfather's plea to become physician.He went to Europe and enrolled in art school and eager to learn about culture and history. He returned home at the age of 25 prepared to settle down and teach art for a living. Erikson was asked by his former high school friend Peter Blobs to Join him as a teacher in Experimental Nursery school in Vienna where he met Anna Freud and her famous father Sigmund Freud. Anna Freud was trying to convert psyc hoanalytic interest in childhood experiences of adult. Erikson shared her pioneering interest and was eventually trained by her as a child analyst.Erikson was still unsure to earn his living a psychoanalyst because still wanted to paint and draw. However, he began to see a connection between psychoanalysis and art. He observed that children's dream and play involve important visual images that only later are translated into words in therapy. Concepts and Principles Erosion's position represents a systematic extension of Fraud's view of the role of ego in personality functioning. Erikson is a Freudian ego-psychologist. Erikson proposed that ego often operates independently of id emotions and motivation.Ego functions to help individual adapt to challenges presented by the surrounding. Ego Psychology Emphasized the integration of biological and psychosocial forces in determination of personality functioning. Epigenetic Principle The idea that human development is governed by a sequence of stages that depend on genetic or hereditary factors This principle says that we develop through a predetermined unfolding of our personalities in eight stages. Our progress through each stage is in part determined by our success, or lack of success â€Å"crisis†, in all the revises stages.Crisis defined as the crucial period in every stage. Virtue â€Å"inherent strength or active quality' human qualities or strength emerge from successful resolution of crisis. Psychosocial Development: Stages of Ego Development Stage Basic Conflict Virtue Important Events Outcome Infancy (birth to 18 months) Trust vs.. Mistrust HOPE Feeding Children develop a sense of trust when caregivers provide reliability, care, and affection. A lack of this will lead to mistrust. Early Childhood (2 to 3 years) Autonomy vs.. Shame and Doubt WILL Toilet TrainingChildren need to develop a sense of personal control over physical skills and a sense of independence. Success leads to feelings of autonomy, failure results in feelings of shame and doubt. Preschool/Play Age (3 to 5 years) Initiative vs.. Guilt PURPOSE Exploration Children need to begin asserting control and power over the environment. Success in this stage leads to a sense of purpose. Children who try to exert too much power experience disapproval, resulting in a sense of guilt. School Age (6 to 1 1 years) Industry vs.. Inferiority COMPETENCE SchoolChildren need to cope with new social and academic demands. Success leads to a sense of competence, while failure results in feelings of inferiority. Adolescence (12 to 18 years) Identity vs.. Role Confusion FIDELITY Social Relationships Teens need to develop a sense of self and personal identity. Success leads to an ability to stay true to yourself, while failure leads to role confusion and a weak sense of self. Young Adulthood (19 to 40 years) Intimacy vs.. Isolation LOVE Relationships Young adults need to form intimate, loving relationships with other people.Success dads to strong relationships, while failure results in loneliness and isolation. Middle Adulthood (40 to 65 years) Generatively vs.. Stagnation CARE Work and Parenthood Adults need to create or nurture things that will outlast them, often by having children or creating a positive change that benefits other people. Success leads to feelings of usefulness and accomplishment, while failure results in shallow involvement in the world. Maturity(65 to death) Ego Integrity vs.. Despair WISDOM Reflection on Life Older adults need to look back on life and feel a sense of fulfillment.Success at this tag leads to feelings of wisdom, while failure results in regret, bitterness, and despair. Strengths and Weaknesses of Erik Erosion's Theory Strengths Comprehensiveness It addresses itself to wide variety of phenomenon both normal and abnormal and seeks to biological, social, cultural and historical factors. Heuristic Value Within Psychology, Erosion's work has contributed directly to lifespan psycholo gy and the development of adult psychology. Applied Value Erosion's work has practical impact in the area of child psychology and psychiatry, counseling, education and social work.Weaknesses Male Bias Erik Erikson articulated psychosocial stage describes the life cycle hallmarks of white, western society and may not apply well to other cultures or even to our own today/ present time. Erosion's positive outcome (such as autonomy, initiative, industry) virtues (such as will, purpose and competence) are frequently seen as characteristics of healthy male development. And his negative ones, (doubt, guilt and inferiority) are seen as reflecting unhealthy female development. Sailing's studies of girl and women's development suggest different positive values emerge in healthy
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Acculturation, Biculturism and Marginalization Essay
Ross-Sheriff (2011) commented that international migration patterns have * changed as a consequence of broad social, political, economic, and environmental * trends and explained the causes of the driving forces were including war, * globalization, urbanization, and changing cultural norms regarding social roles and * responsibilities (Ross-Sheriff, 2011). With these complex trends of migration * patterns, Van Hear (2010) viewed migration as a process which was an integral part * of broader social transformations, but which also had its own internal dynamics with * other factors related to the migrating process, shaping social transformation in their * own way. Migration was also linked in complex ways to class, gender, generation, * ethnicity and other social factors, which were embodied in positions in home and host * communities, and in work and domestic relationships, all of which might be * transformed in the course of the migratory process (Van Hear, 2010). To understand this complex process of migration, especially under changing circumstances of one culture to another, it might be useful to build conceptual tools for understanding these transitory processes in migration studies and in social science more widely (Van hear, 2010). They also include mediating agents and transitions that need also to be accounted for, as well as intersections among class, gender, generation, ethnicity and other social ruptures as well as the main driving forces of migration (Van Hear, 2010). Of course there were other important concepts such as relations between time and space, between dynamics or processes and outcomes, and between structure and agency that needed to get attention (Van Hear, 2010). However, it is impossible to discuss all different theoretical concepts involved in different types of migration process in the current limited study. Rather, this study tried to focus on psychological impacts such as ethnic identity and self-esteem on migration through acculturation processes particularly on family- related migration because different patterns of migration produced different communities and resulted in producing different migrant identities including varying levels of psychological distress (Jones, 2008). Further, few empirical studies have focused on migrant adults populations. Most migrants identification related literatures tended to relate more for adolescents or young children because identity formation might be particularly challenging in this cohort, especially when the values and beliefs of their natal culture differed significantly from those of the host society (Sodowsky, Kwan, & Pannu, 1995; as cited in Farver, Narang, & Bhadha, 2002). Therefore, this study focused on ethnic identity and self-identification issues of adult migrants’ themselves within a family structure according to different theoretical models relevant to adaptation of new cultures, because family was the basic instrument in the society (Nesdale, Rooney, & Smith, 1997). In fact, most cultural acquisition theories developed and evolved in 1990s when international migration became a key issue in international politics at the beginning of 1990s. As Castle (2002) argued that migration, development and international relations were closely connected as migration was a major factor of transformation for both sending and receiving countries for different types of migrants (Castle, 2002). With this perspective, this study generally focused on those migration culture acquisition theories developed in 1990 rather then looking at current perspectives in the most recent literatures, which actually have evolved from these original theories in 1990s (Castle, 2002). As the findings from these research studies has had been mixed or sometimes contradictory, it was important to understand the exact nature of the relationship between migrant ethnic identification and the acculturation process both need to be specified and assessed properly with coherent measurements and theoretical assumptions (Nesdale et al. , 1997). Important theoretical concepts: ethnic identity, acculturation, biculturism, and marginalisation. According to Phinney (1990; as cited in Farver, Narang & Bhadha., 2002), ethnic identity and acculturation were related but separate constructs. Ethnic identity involves an individual’s self-identification as a group member, a sense of belonging to an ethnic group, attitudes toward ethnic group of membership, and degree of ethnic group involvement (Farver et al. , 2002). The term acculturation was defined in anthropology as those phenomena, which resulted when groups of individuals having different cultures came into continuous first-hand contact with subsequent changes in the original pattern of either or both groups (Redfield, Linton, & Herskovits, 1936; as cited in Birman, 1994). Although acculturation was a neutral term in this context (that is, change might take place in either or both groups), in practice, acculturation tended to induce more changes in one of the groups than in the other (Berry, 1990a; as cited in Berry, 1997) Berry (1997) argued that in all plural societies, cultural groups and their individual members, in both dominant and non-dominant situations, must deal with the issue of how to acculturate. According to Berry (1997), four acculturation strategies were introduced: assimilation, separation, marginalization, and integration. When individuals do not wish to maintain their cultural identity and seek daily interaction with other new cultures, the assimilation strategy is defined. In contrast, when individuals place a value on holding on to their original culture, and at the same time wish to avoid interaction with others, then the separation is defined (Berry, 1997). When there is an interest in both maintaining one’s original culture, while in daily interactions with other groups, integration is the option; here, there is some degree of cultural integrity maintained, while at the same time seeking to participate as an integral part of the larger social network (Berry, 1997). Last, when there is little possibility or interest in cultural maintenance (often for reasons of enforced cultural loss), and little interest in having relations with others (often for reasons of exclusion or discrimination) then marginalization is defined (Berry, 1997). However, this acculturation categories model has been criticized methodologically (Rudmin, 2003, 2009; as cited in Schwartz et al. , 2010) because all four of Berry’s categories were represented in the same way by creating the two by two matrix of acculturation categories between high and low. However, the cut off point between high and low was arbitrary and would differ across samples, making comparisons across studies difficult, resulting in the fact that all four categories existed and were equally valid (Rudmin, 2003; as cited in Schwartz et al., 2010) and suggesting that not all of Berry’s categories might exist in a given sample or population, and that some categories might have multiple subtypes (Schwartz et al. , 2010). In particular, Berry (1997) viewed the term â€Å"biculturism†as referring to acculturation that involved the individual simultaneously in the two cultures that were in contact in integrative ways, which appeared to be a consistent predictor of more positive outcomes than the three alternatives of assimilation, separation, or marginalization. Berry and his colleagues (Sam & Berry, 1995) assessed the acculturation strategies of various immigrant groups in North America and the results showed that bicultural individuals experienced less acculturative stress, anxiety and fewer psychological problems significantly, while marginalized individuals suffered the most psychological distress, including problems with self-identification and cultural alienation, which adversely affected their self-esteem (Farver et al. , 2002). However, Shiraev and Levy (2007) explained acculturative stress as a negative feeling that a marginalized person might experience as a distressing psychological reaction to any unfamiliar cultural environment based on the assumption that person and groups undergoing any social and cultural change should experience a certain amount of psychological distress. Generally, many early definitions of acculturation focused on exposure to two cultures simultaneously as a culture shock, which was a reactive state of specific pathology or deficit, rather than taking advantage of being bicultural (Berry & Annis, 1974; Shiraev et al., 2007). The validity of marginalization as an approach to acculturation by Berry (1997) was also questioned (Del Pilar & Udasco, 2004; as cited in Schwartz et al. , 2010). Schawartz et al. argued that the likelihood that a person would develop a cultural sense of self without drawing on either the heritage or receiving cultural contexts would be less likely to. The marginalization approach might be true only for the small segment of migrants who rejected both their heritage and receiving cultures (Berry, 2006b). Indeed, studies using empirically based clustering methods have found small or nonexistent marginalization groups and scales that attempted to measure marginalization typically had poor reliability and validity compared with scales for the other categories (Cuellar, Arnold, & Maldonado, 1995; Unger et al. , 2002; as cited in Schwartz et al. , 2010). As described earlier, the impact of migrant ethnic identity on psychological distress had comparatively diverse points of views if they were either negative or positive reactions, depending on different theoretical frames. For example, Social Identity Theory (Tajfel & Turner, 2001) and Self-Categorization Theory (Turner, 1987) emphasized more on the importance to individuals of their identification with particular social groups. Social Identity Theory (Tajfel & Turner, 2001; as cited in Yip, Gee, & Takeuchi, 2008) viewed a possible explanation for why ethnic identity might buffer the effects of discrimination. According to this theory,individuals chose from an array of possible social identity groups and, once those groups were chosen, individuals focused on the positive aspects of their in-group, which helped to boost their own esteem, suggesting that ethnic identity was more important to their overall identity (Yip et al. , 2009). In contrast, if ethnicity was a central component of one’s identity, it might actually exacerbate the effects of discrimination, resulting in a greater negative impact on mental health, according to self-categorization theory (Turner, Hogg, Oakes, Reicher, & Wetherell, 1987; as cited in Yip et al., 2008), suggesting that people should be more in tune with environmental cues that were relevant to an important aspect of their identity. That is, experiences of racial discrimination might be such a cue relevant to their ethnic identity. Indeed, research suggested that African American adults and adolescents who reported strong racial centrality were also more likely to report experiences of racial discrimination (Neblett, Shelton, & Sellers, 2004; Sellers, Caldwell, Schmeelk-Cone, & Zimmerman, 2003; Sellers & Shelton, 2003; as cited in Yip et al., 2008). However, despite this emphasis by social theorists, they tended to forget the larger literature that involved with both ethnicity and the acculturation process (Liebkind, 1993; 1996; as cited in Nesdale, Rooney & Smith, 1997). First of all, these different findings resulted from lack of inclusion of acculturation itself as a variable methodologically when acculturation was considered as a phenomenon in research designs (Sam and Berry, 2006). Without including acculturation as a variable, the explanations for human behavior similarities and differences across populations would remain incomplete (Sam et al. , 2006). Second, a further criticism of the acculturation literatures was that the same two acculturation processes, and the same four-acculturation categories, characterized all migrants equallyâ€â€regardless of the type of migrant, the countries of origin and settlement, and the ethnic group in question, according to Berry’s (1980) model and other similar approaches (Sam et al., 2006). Finally, the vast majority of studies in the acculturation literature have focused on behavioral acculturation (Schwartz et al. , 2010). That is, most widely used acculturation measures included primarily (or only) items assessing language use and other cultural practices (e. g. , Cuellar, Arnold, & Maldonado, 1995; Stephenson, 2000; Szapocznik, Kurtines, & Fernandez, 1980; as cited in Schwartz et al. , 2010) due to accepting the fact that cultural practices might provide only a fair proxy for cultural adaptation (Schwartz et al., 2010). Theoretical frameworks for acculturation research Shiraev & Levy (2007) claimed that cross-cultural psychologists usually used three approaches to examine human activities in various cultural settings. They were the sociobiological approach, the sociological approach and eco-cultural approach (Shiraev et al. , 2007). In particular, the eco-cultural approach emphasized both the environment and the individual were seen as open and interchanging systems (Shiraev et al., 2007), introducing John Berry whom originally developed this theory further in contemporary cross-cultural psychology. Shiraev et al. (2007) also pointed out that specialists should to be able to explain how, why, and to what extent people differed from one another, when ecological, biological, cultural, and acculturation factors were identified and taken into consideration (Berry, J. W. , Poortinga, Y. H. , Segall, M. H. , & Dasen. P. R. ,1992; as cited in Shiraev et al. , 2007). In related to the concerns pointed by Shiraev et al. (2007), Berry (1997) argued earlier there were important links between cultural context and individual behavioural development, demonstrating what happened to individuals who developed in one cultural context when attempting to re-establish their lives in another one through his acculturation research framework, by confirming the fact that acculturation was one of the most complex areas of research in cross-cultural psychology because the process involved more than one culture and in two distinct senses (Berry, 1997). According to Berry (1997), the concept of acculturation was employed to refer to the cultural changes resulting from different ethnic groups encountered, while the concepts of psychological acculturation and adaptation were employed to refer to the psychological changes and eventual outcomes that occur as a result of individuals experiencing acculturation. In another words, acculturation phenomena resulted from contact between two or more cultures and research on acculturation had to be comparative in order to understand variations in psychological outcomes that were the result of cultural variations in the two groups in contact (Berry, 1997). In particular, this framework viewed the integration model of acculturation strategies the most desirable among other strategies, considering it the same as the biculturalism model (Berry, 1997). For example, Berry and his colleagues (Berry, 1980; Berry, J. W. , Kim, U. , Power, S. , Young, M, & Bujaki, M. , 1989; Berry, Kim, Minde, & Mok, 1987; Sam & Berry, 1995 as cited in Farver et al., 2002) assessed the acculturation strategies of various immigrant groups in North America and the result showed that integration was the most psychologically adaptive attitude, arguing that integrated or bicultural individuals experienced less acculturative stress and anxiety and manifested fewer psychological problems than those who were marginalized, separated, or assimilated, whereas marginalized individuals suffered the most psychological distress, including problems with self-identification and cultural alienation, which also affected their self-esteem (Farver et al. , 2002). However, Phinney, Cantu, and Kurtz (1997) found that American identity was associated with self-esteem only for non-Hispanic Whites, but not for other ethnic groups. These mixed results as explained above raised two issues in the acculturation literatures. First of all, cultural practices might offer only a substitute for cultural adpatations, as Portes and Rumbaut (2001 as cited in Schwartz et al. , 2010) mentioned that many Asian American young adults in their sample were not proficient in their native languages, even though they still perceived their identification with their parents’ countries of origin and maintained many of their values (Schwarz et al. , 2010). Secondly, most researchers on biculturism did not sufficiently define an accurate operational definition of biculturism so that interpretation of those research results were problematic (Birman, 1994). Indeed, one finding in the United States, was that self-identification as American was markedly higher in non-Hispanic Whites than in ethnic minority groups (e. g. , Devos & Banaji, 2005; as cited in Schwartz et al. , 2010) and many White Americans did not perceived themselves as members of an ethnic group (Schildkraut, 2007; as cited in Schwartz et al. , 2010). In brief, different operational definition problems of acculturation arose from different theoretical models of acculturation regarding to their assumptions (LaFromboise, Coleman, & Gerton, 1993). LaFromboise et al. (1993) assumed acculturation as one of substitutes among the biculturism models. Biculturism as defined in this theory was viewed as the alternation model, which implied an individual in two culture contacts could be competent in both cultures without losing one of the cultures’ competencies in distinct cultural contexts as alternation model, whereas, fusion model meant a blended cultural identity, consisting of a synthesis of aspects of both cultures (LaFromboise et al., 1993). However, Berry’s (1997) integrating approach of biculturism differed from the bicultural model (LaFromboise et al. , 1993; as cited in Birman, 1994) and it emphasized more on the relationship between the two cultural groups based on its implicit assumption that one of two cultures were higher than the other within a single social structure (LaFromboise et al. , 1993). Benet-Martinez and colleagues found that â€Å"blended†bicultural individuals tended to report higher self-esteem and lower psychological distress than a marginal population (Chen et al. , 2008 as cited in Schwartz et al. , 2010) because the consistent availability of both cultural flows within the person’s everyday life increased the ease of activating the correct cultural schema in accordance with their environmental situations (Schwartz et al. , 2010). In contrast, Tadmor, Tetlock, and Peng (2009) argued that the bicultural model considered those marginal individuals in positive ways, when there was little interest in cultural maintenance and little interest in having relations with others, suggesting positive aspects of being a marginal person might be (1) sharing his or her condition with others of the same original culture; (2) engaging in institutional practices that were shared by other marginal people; (3) experiencing no major frustration from social expectations; and (4) still perceiving himself or herself to be a member of a group (LaFromboise et al., 1993). According to Sam and Berry (2006), many studies of how migrants coped with intercultural contacts had discrepancies in the ways in which they were operationalized and measured. As no standardized or widely accepted acculturation measures existed, it was necessary to design a clear and explicit formulation of acculturation instrument in order to assess acculturation adequately (Sam et al. , 2006). Further Sam and Berry (2006) pointed out that most empirical studies widely used a self-report type of questionnaires that had been recognized limitations such as social desirability, emphasizing obtaining divergent validation by source of information other than the respondents’ reports. Therefore, it is vital to understand each theory within its specific assumptions and not to generalize across all situations regardless of their similar findings (LaFromboise et al. , 1993). As this study discovered migrants’ acculturation processes so far within specific theoretical frameworks, literature findings in different research were mixed as to whether individuals could be highly acculturated and at the same time be strongly identified with their ethnic group (Farver, Narang, & Bhadha. , 2002). These confusing problems initially evolved because of the context in which migration arrangements and their acculturation processes were fundamentally transformed and increasingly uncertain due to globalization (Landolt & Da, 2005). Shiraev & Levy (2007) suggested a new approach to cross-cultural psychology in the twenty-first century, which was linked to the concept of globalization. Globalization was defined as a proliferation of cross-border flow and transnational networks due to new technologies of communication and transport that allowed frequent and multi-directional streams of people, ideas and cultural symbols (Castle, 2010). Castle also argued that globalization leads to major changes in the character of international migration. In other words, the context for migrant incorporation has already changed radically and will continue to do so. The rise of multiculturalism itself rather than assimilation or biculturism is one sign of this, but is not the end of the story: new forms of identity and belonging go beyond multiculturalism (Castle, 2010). Even though there is limited empirical evidence for clear statements for globalization, there probably are highly cosmopolitan groups who feel at home everywhere such as global business and professional elites might correspond with this image. But most members of transnational communities fall between these extremes, and probably have contradictory and fluctuating identities (Castle, 2002). Conclusions This study explored that a special case of cultural psychology was the study of how individuals respond to situations where they were in transition between their original culture and another that differed from it in some respects in terms of acculturation, especially within a specific theoretical frame that could apply to the specific situation (Adler & Gielen, 1994). There was no single theory widely accepted by all social scientists to agree with the emergence and perpetuation of international migration patterns in the world under globalization (Van Hear, 2010),suggesting that the contemporary migrating context in which such migrating arrangements were realized fundamentally kept transforming so that it became increasingly uncertain (Landolt and Da, 2005) Although the topic of cultural contact and individual’ change has attracted considerable attention in contemporary cross-cultural psychology, the field has been characterized by a lack of theoretical coherence, definitional problems with key constructs, and single sample studies that limit the external validity of empirical cross-cultural research (Ward and Kenney, 1994). As acculturation is a process which takes place over time, and which results in changes both in the culture and in the individual culture changes, it would be ideal o compare two sets of data are compared over time using the same people. However, in practice, it is impossible in most acculturation research settings (Sam et al. , 2006). Instead, a common alternative to longitudinal research is cross-sectional research in which a time-related variable, such as length of residence or generational status can be used for the generalizability of acculturation theories (Sam et al., 2006). In general, researchers of migrating studies need to be aware that it is the selective nature of the sample that happens across all migrating research. That is, individuals who chose to migrate would be different from those who do not (Sodowsky, G. , Kwan, K. , & Pannu, R. , 1995; as cited in Farver et al. , 1997). 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