Saturday, December 28, 2019
In Chapter 5 of The Morality of War, Brian Orend discusses...
In Chapter 5 of The Morality of War, Brian Orend discusses the particular case of supreme emergencies, hereby defined as a state of war during which an aggressor state comes dangerously close to overpowering the victim state militarly, probably followed by extreme brutalization of the victim states population and various violations of human rights, such as rape, slavery, mass murder and so on. The concept of supreme emergency has caused controversy in the discourse about the morality of war, regarding both what constitutes a supreme emergency and how supreme emergencies are to be addressed within the context of just war theory. In this essay, I will review Orends exposition on the matter and follow with an introduction of elements that†¦show more content†¦The third view is that even during supreme emergencies strict jus in bello laws must be observed; if we allow for exceptions the integrity of the rules themselves comes into question. The fourth view, proposed by Walzer, i s to acknowledge a multidimensionality of morality and thereby invoke a paradox: the means by which we must necessarily respond in supreme emergencies are both immoral but morally necessary; they are both morally right and morally wrong, and we must learn to live with that contradiction. Orend himself, who proposes the fifth view, argues that Walzer cannot have his cake and eat it, too. He suggests instead that, while supreme emergency measures are sometimes necessary to secure victory, they are undoubtedly immoral. They are wrong, and while they are also necessary, we cannot pretend that they are moral because they are necessary. But Orend does agree that sometimes during war such measures are necessary to secure victory of victim over aggressor, and therefore a larger justice. The issue that emerges here is, admittedly, one of prudence versus morality. In order to refine our existence, we must first secure it, the argument goes. In the case of a supreme emergency, arguably the onl y options that remain for a victim state are either annihilation or the destruction of an innocent other. Given this premise, the arguments made thus far contend that it is only natural, and
Friday, December 20, 2019
Prostitution Taking Back Control - 1475 Words
Legalized Prostitution: Taking back Control â€Å"I originally intended to write in defense of legalizing prostitution, but hindsight has made me realize that I cannot defend a profession that dehumanizes its workers.†Tlatenchi, Fredy. Prostitution Should Not Be Legalized. The Sundial. N.p., 27 Nov. 2012. Web. 07 Sept. 2015. The statement above would lead the author’s readers to believe that prostitution if legal would be no different than it is now, shameful, dangerous, disease ridden and exploitation filled. Prostitution has been around for some time, given it is referred to as the world’s oldest profession. Why is it then, if still illegal, do so many continue their sex work? Desperation? Empowerment? Force? Lack of a moral†¦show more content†¦Rhode Island says otherwise. Aside from the clear positive outcomes from Rhode Island, legalizing prostitution has the potential to further eliminate rape and STD transmission further by opening up communication. Rhode Island decreased roughly 2000 cases of gonorrhea during its decriminalization, read about in Hong, Sharon. Decriminalizing Prostitution Linked to Fewer STDs and Rapes. UCLA Newsroom. N.p., 1 Aug. 2014. Web. 08 Sept. 2015. If sex workers fear persecution they won’t report a rape, robbery or attack. These people need to be gotten off the streets. If they fear judgment they won’t seek medical attention in case of unprotected sex and the possibility of a sexually transmitted disease. With legalization we open our ears and close our prejudice. If we begin to focus our time and money on the real criminals, not the consenting adults who chose to trade a service for money like any other business we waste far less. Legalization would help focus our persecutions on the ones who force other human beings into a life they do not want to be in. This refocuses on protecting those who deserve a choice over their own body, what to not, or to do with it. Prostitution could also potentially bring in thousands of extra dollars of taxable revenue per worker for the economy. Money is better spent pursuing the real criminals. Would you rather your tax dollars
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Medication Error free essay sample
Providing care for the patient is the responsibility of nurses. Nurses are the one who are close with patients. They are responsible and accountable to make sure that the treatments and needs of patient are fulfilled. Medication administration is a part of the nurses’ responsibility in order to make sure clients get the correct medication as supposed. Medication administration error is a universal health care concern. Thus the strategy in improving medication administration system is important to enhance safety. The administration of medication by nurses is the final step in a process that involves multiple steps carried out by a number of health professionals (medical practitioners, pharmacists and registered nurses). The accuracy, efficiency and safety of administration of medications rest primarily with nurses. Administer medication is the most common activities that cause errors, in part because of the finding of new medical devices and new drug products that available to fulfill the demand in health care setting. We will write a custom essay sample on Medication Error or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Thus to prevent medication administration error, six rights should be main concern for the nurses in giving medication. There are many type of medical error that leads to injury and may jeopardize patient’s safety. According to Hughes and Ortiz (2005) the most common type of medical error that happen universally is medication error. Senior citizens are at the highest risk of being affected by this type of errors, since they are the largest consumers of medication (New Tech Media, 2006). However, this is especially true in regards to medication errors.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Site Selection for Intramuscular Medical Injection
Question: Discuss about the Site Selection for Intramuscular Medical Injection. Answer: Intramuscular injection locations Australasian Medical Journal, 315-321. In this journal, the author looks at the safety that nursing students must consider in the administration of intramuscular injections and particularly, gluteal IM injection sites. The author emphasizes that IM injection technique has changed through the years as a result of evidenced-based nursing practice research, including changes in the equipment used. According to the journal, IM injection site should be selected based on the age of the patient as this determines the needle size, adipose tissue amounts, and the viscosity of the medication. Site selection is important so that people of different ages are administered with the right amount of medication and treated with appropriate equipment. The authors emphasis that the deltoid muscle among infants is not well developed and thus not appropriate for IM injections is well founded. This is because the underdeveloped muscle in infants will not absorb the medication adequately. In regard to the volume of medication, the author also indicates that it is important to do the right IM injection site selection in order to have the right volume of medication administered intra-muscularly. It is important to note that the volume of medication for IM administration varies in line with the intended site. The accepted range of medication volume for IM injection is between 1 and 4 mL. Even so, the deltoid muscle injection site should not be above1 mL. For children, who definitely have less-developed muscles just like the elderly, IM injection at the deltoid muscles remain limited between 1 and 2mL. The leaking and tracking back of medication injected intramuscularly into the subcutaneous tissue, affects the volume of medication, and hence its efficacy in the required time. The Z-track technique is thus used in the administration to IM injections in order to prevent the tracking back effect of injected medicine by sealing this medicine in the muscles of a patient. It a lso reduces the irritation from the medicine as indicated in the journal. Intended intramuscular gluteal injections Are they truly intramuscularJournal of Postgraduate Medicine, 60(2), 175. Dayananda et al(2014) highlighted the evidence-based research on IM injections focussed on investigating whether gluteal injections are practically intramuscular. The authors then discuss gluteal IM injection in regard to sustained pain and injury, the tracking back effect and the suitability of the site for injection. In regard to injury and pain, the journal indicates that it is paramount to select IM injection site carefully in order to prevent unnecessary injuries and pain on patients among other general complications. According to the journal, the major complications associated with IM injections among others; muscle atrophy, bone injuries, cellulitis, and pain, abscesses that are sterile and nerve injury. The use of IM injection option has a higher risk where a nurse may inject the medication into the bloodstream directly. Further, other factors which hinder the flow of blood in a patient to the injected local tissue impacts on the drug absorption rate. It is thus agreeable tha t the author emphasizes on the use of IM injections only as a last resort, because of the different documented effects of pain and injury. Choosing IM at the deltoid muscle for instance brings about damage to both the radial nerves and arteries at the site. Even so, IM may be preferred as the muscle tissue is relatively less sensitive when compared to the subcutaneous tissue in regard to irritating solutions and/or medications that are concentrated and viscous in nature. Sites of choice for administering intramuscular injections to adult patients in the acute care setting. This journal focuses on the choices of Staff nurses in regard to injection sites when administering IM injections in acute hospital care setting rather than in the community. According to Walsh and Brophy (2010), selection of IM injection sites particularly for deep muscular injections may depend on ones familiarity and/or confidence but not on best practice. The journal provides the appropriate IM injection sites and these include; the ventrogluteal, the Vastus lateralis, and also the deltoid muscles. Even so, the authors agree with the available evidence that the ventrogluteal site for IM injection is the most appropriate site. This particular site is the most acceptable IM injection site especially for medications that are oily and irritating. This is because it is the ventrogluteal site has minimal number of both blood vessels and the nerves. It also comprises of the greatest muscle thickness when compared with the remaining IM injection sites. It is also thus important to know t he most appropriate IM injection site in order to determine the size of the needle. This is because a longer needle that has a larger gauge may be needed to adequately penetrate some deep muscle tissues. Walsh and Brophy (2010) also indicate the different needle sizes needed for IM injection to show the importance of correct site selection. Needle length at the Vastus lateralis should be 5/8" to 1." Needles intended for the deltoid need to be between 5/8" and 1 1/4" for children and between 5/8 and 1 1/2" for adults. The ventrogluteal site requires needles of length 1 1/2" for adults. The journal also indicates that it is important to correctly select an IM injection site especially when one has to choose between it and subcutaneous injection, based on the speed of medication absorption. According to the journal IM injections are intended to deposit medications directly into muscle fascia that comprises of a rich supply of blood and therefore allows for faster absorption of medications through the muscle fibers as compared to when the subcutaneous route is used. IM injection sites are used for those medications which require quick rates of absorption, including also a reasonable prolonged action. Because of the rich blood supply, IM injection sites are able to therefore absorb even larger volumes of medication solutions. As a result, a range of medical preparations including sedatives, hormones, anti-emetics, vaccines, analgesics, among others can be comfortably administered through IM sites both in the communities and in acute care settings. References Cornwall, J. (2011). Are nursing student safe when choosing gluteal intramuscular injection locations?. Australasian Medical Journal, 315-321. Dayananda, L., Belaval, V., Raina, A., Chandana, R. (2014). Intended intramuscular gluteal injections: Are they truly intramuscular?. Journal of Postgraduate Medicine, 60(2), 175. Walsh, L. Brophy, K. (2010). Staff nurses sites of choice for administering intramuscular injections to adult patients in the acute care setting. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 67(5), 1034-1040.
Thursday, November 28, 2019
New Immigration And The Ethnicity Of America (1941 Essays
New Immigration And The Ethnicity Of America (1941 - 1990) Glossary Paper In 1945 immigration to the United States differed fairly dramatically from America's earlier 20th- and 19th-century immigration patterns, most notably in the dramatic rise in numbers of immigrants from Asia. Beginning in the late 19th century, the U.S. government took steps to bar immigration from Asia. The establishment of the national origins quota system in the 1924 Immigration Act narrowed the entryway for eastern and central Europeans, making western Europe the dominant source of immigrants. These policies shaped the racial and ethnic profile of the American population before 1945. Signs of change began to occur during and after World War II. The recruitment of temporary agricultural workers from Mexico led to an influx of Mexicans, and the repeal of Asian exclusion laws opened the door for Asian immigrants. Responding to complex international politics during the Cold War, the United States also formulated a series of refugee policies, admitting refugees from Europe, the we stern hemisphere, and later Southeast Asia. The movement of people to the United States increased drastically after 1965, when immigration reform ended the national origins quota system. The intricate and intriguing history of U.S. immigration after 1945 thus demonstrates how the United States related to a fast-changing world, its less restrictive immigration policies increasing the fluidity of the American population, with a substantial impact on American identity and domestic policy. The National Origins Quota System: The National Origins Act of 1924 was a component of the Immigration Act of 1924 that established a quota system for determining how many immigrants could enter the United States. 1924 Immigration Act : The Immigration Act of 1924 limited the number of immigrants allowed entry into the United States. The Racial And Ethnic Profile Of America: Self-identified multiracialAmericans hey have identified as any combination of races (White, Black or AfricanAmerican, Asian,American Indianor Alaska Native, Nativ e Hawaiian or some otherrace ) and ethnicities . 571500216535 Taqeya Ali Saleh 20122062 Dr. Youssef Jamal AMST411 Taqeya Ali Saleh 20122062 Dr. Youssef Jamal AMST411
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Victorias Secret Pink
Victorias Secret Pink Analyze the buyer decision process of a typical pink customer Consumers generally follow a certain decision-making process when buying products, particularly new or expensive items. They undergo five steps that include: recognition of need, search information, evaluation of alternatives, purchase, and after purchase behavior. These five steps represent a general process that can be used as a guide for studying how consumers make decisions.Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on Victoria’s Secret Pink specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More It is important to note, though, that consumers decisions do not always proceed in order through all of these steps. In fact, the consumer may end the process at any time or may not even purchase products from the Victoria Secrets. According to the market research females, on average, have a larger deep limbic system than males, implying that they are more in touch with their feel ings as compared to men. It follows, then, that women are also tapped into emotionally charged images. Psychologists at the State University of New York and Stanford University found that, though emotion-evoking photographs were more likely than emotionally flat images to stick in the brains of both men and women, women were able to remember more of the emotional images over time than could men (Barney 114). Women use more of their brains to process emotional images. They have been found to have an increased ability to bond with and be connected to others-which equip them generally to be the best shoppers. A womans brain functions differently than a mans in decision making. This is not a debate about which genders brain is better, per se, because each is simply different in form and function. Understanding these differences gives Victoria Secrets a sound basis from which to launch consideration of female-focused marketing approaches. Apply the concept of aspirational groups to Victo ria Secrets pink line. Should marketers have boundaries with regard to this concept? The appeals given are some of the appeals which make use of reference group concepts. A reference group in this context is a set of people with whom consumers of Pink products compare themselves to shape their attitudes, values, knowledge and behavior (including buying behavior). These concepts are used by Victoria Secret brands in a number of situations and celebrity usage is one of the vital applications of reference groups. A brand would derive value from celebrity associations if celebrity usage is done in a conceptual manner. Marketers would need to maintain boundaries and understand the aspirational groups with which target consumers may like to associate themselves.Advertising Looking for case study on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More These aspirational groups would have to be represented in a manner which would appeal to target consumers. There could be three kinds of reference groups. The aspirational group is one which the young teens admire and like to emulate but they are not members. The consumer does not have a face-to-face contact with this group and hence it is a secondary group. Explain how both positive and negative consumer attitudes toward a brand like pink develop? How might someones attitude toward pink change? In general, the strength of ones elaboration likelihood will determine the type of process by which attitudes towards the advertised brand will be formed or changed. The persuasion model in indicates two mechanisms, by which persuasion occurs: at the top, a central route; and at the bottom, a peripheral route. Under certain circumstances, attitudes towards the advertised brand have a high probability of being changed in the direction of the experienced emotion; positive emotional reactions leading to positive brand attitudes, and negative reactions leading to neg ative attitudes. Also, because the consumers elaboration likelihood is high, it can be expected that any attitude change experienced under the central route will be relatively enduring. Message-based persuasion Attitude formation process results from processing message arguments. When Pink consumers are sufficiently motivated and are able to process a messages specific arguments or selling points, their cognitive responses may lead to changes in beliefs about the advertised brand or to changes in evaluations of the importance of the brands attributes and benefits. In either or both cases, the result is a change in attitude towards the brand. This process is based on the theory of reasoned action (TORA), which proposes that all forms of planned and reasoned behavior have two primary determinants: attitudes and normative influences. What role does pink appear to be playing in the self-concept of Tweens, teens, and young adults? Consumption types, whether symbolic, compensatory or vora cious, are closely connected to the development of the self, and often intersect through the use of dress. Likewise, as a client at Victoria Secrets goes through a role transition, he or she will likely choose objects believed to signify the new role. Participants often allude to specific brands of clothing as future consumption goals. We therefore, consider the role of brands like Pink within symbolic consumption at various stages of teens, teens and adults, and to the ultimate transformation of the self. Brands and the Self Brands provide benefits to the consumer. For instance, Barney argues that brands can act as consumers partners and that consumer-brand relationships are valid at the level of lived experience (112).Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on Victoria’s Secret Pink specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More A search for the common ground between a brand and consumer has resulted in the development of fiv e dimensions of the brand-consumer relationship: sincerity, excitement, competence, sophistication, and ruggedness (Berry 16). These five dimensions are perceptions identified and defined by the consumer, which serve as symbols of the similarity between the products attributes and uses. The relationship between the consumer and a brand requires a degree of emotional commitment from both parties. Branding that appeals to the consumers emotions, allows the brand and consumer to together construct their own story: which in turn, justifies further use of the brand Barney, Hansen. â€Å"Trustworthiness as a Source of Competitive Advantage.†Building New Forms of Cooperation in a Volatile Economy. (2009): 112-18. Print. Berry, Bendapudi. â€Å"Clueing in Customers†. Communicating in times of Uncertainty. (2002): 2-29. Print.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Peer-review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Peer-review - Essay Example The paper successfully explored the functions of microglia in iron homeostasis. However, this section needs to be expanded a bit. The paper does not provide a probable solution or the measures that can be taken in order to address the problem highlighted. Essentially, the aim of the aim of a research paper is to try to raise a problem and try to suggest solutions that can be implemented in order to address that problem. The paper should also have highlighted the gap that should be covered in future research in the event that this research failed to provide solutions that can help prevent the problem. Current important neurological medical research studies have revealed that excess accumulation of iron, especially in basal ganglia regions of brain, are major causes for various kinds of brain diseases including major ones like Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s Disease, Atherosclerosis This mini-review will consider around 10-15 medically validated and peer reviewed brain neurology studies which provide the benefits of microglia in reducing brain inflammation caused by excessive iron deposits. This condition precipitates factors that diverse disease such as cancer, liver toxicity, and other genres of neurological degenerative conditions that are not only caused by aging but also the presence of disease causing agents. [2] The section above highlights some of the grammatical errors that need
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Discussion Board 3-1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Discussion Board 3-1 - Essay Example In that line, assessment plan should prioritize clients with mental disorder and subject to medical management. This population represents 15% of the 75% of the people with mental health disorder. The reason for prioritizing this population is that the nature of treatment (medical management) is less complex. At this level the assessment may involve reviewing compliance to prescription if available and response to medication. The next population in the assessment plan should be the 30% population with mental health disorder and subject to individual psychotherapy only. Assessment of this population will involve interviews of the clients and analysis of behaviors of the clients. Due to the bigger size of the population, the activity will consider three-quarter of the population as sample. Following will be the 15% of population with mental health disorder and subjected to family therapy. Assessment of this population will also involve interview of the individual clients and family members. In addition, assessment will analyze behaviors of the clients to determine any changes. The plan will then consider the 30% population with mental health disorder and subject to individual psychotherapy and medical management. Assessment of the population will combine techniques used in assessing both the treatment techniques (individual psychotherapy and medical management). Since the population is somewhat big, the as sessment will take three-quarter of the total subjects. The next in the plan will be the 10% population with mental health disorder and subject to both individual psychotherapy and family therapy models of treatment. Assessing the population at this position is important since the evaluator will benefit from the already explored issues when assessing the techniques individually. The task will be less complex and less confusing as would be if conducted earlier before considering the individual
Sunday, November 17, 2019
New spirit in the west Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
New spirit in the west - Essay Example The renaissance spread northwards leading to the transformation of monarchies that sought to bolster their authority. Some of the greatest achievements from the new spirit in the west are seen in fields such as architecture, arts and literature (Bartlett 41). The movement also influenced diplomatic, military and political strategies. It is important to note that the movement neglected the poor leading to the proliferation of poverty. The period of the new spirit in the west acted as a break from the middle age. It is important to note that Europe was progressing towards modernity. This paper argues that the new spirit in the west was a period of rapid change during which people turned to realism and individualism rather than medieval values of authority, community or hierarchy. Western civilization influences people all over the world. The western world has played a critical role in the development of social, ideological, political and economical processes and systems. A hallmark of western civilization is the power to transform through association with people. The age of renaissance marked the start of institutionalization of politics and the development of commercial economies (Sherman and Joyce 23). The period encouraged arts, education and music with the aim of moving away from traditional practices to modern practices. One of the main characteristics of the period was the development of new beliefs and inventions. Renaissance first started in Italy in cities such as Venice, Milan and Florence. These cities emerged as centers of commercial developments during the 12th and 13th century. The emergence of renaissance enabled the cities to expand into mercantile societies that contrasted with other traditional societies found in medieval Europe. Another change that was witnessed in these cities was the movement from Christian perspectives or interpretations (Sherman and Joyce 29). Renaissance rejected medieval
Friday, November 15, 2019
Aims and Purposes of Sentencing
Aims and Purposes of Sentencing Discuss, and comment, on the aims and purposes of sentencing. To what extent are they a reflection of sentencing currently practised by courts? A sentence in law, according to the Oxford Dictionary of Law (2006) is: Any order made by a court when dealing with an offender with respect to his offence now governed by the Criminal Justice Act 2003 Courts deal with sentences choosing from a mix of different aims for the sentence to have. There are six main types of aim when assessing the purpose of any sentence: Retribution, Deterrence, Desert Theory, Rehabilitation, Restorative Justice and Incapacitation Firstly, retribution is where The Old Testaments an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth form of justice is taken. It takes the view that offenders deserve to be punished and satisfies the victims need for revenge. This form of punishment is full of criticism, for example Mahatma Ghandi himself stated an eye for an eye will make us all go blind. This highlights the disproportionate nature of retributivism. In the case of Sargeant retribution as a purpose of sentencing was de-applied in the criminal courts where the judge stated: The Old Testament concept of an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth no longer plays any part in our criminal law This shows how judges and parliament have moved away from this form of justice to others. However, in cases not to do with criminal law, such as Tort law or other aspects of law that give damages, it could be construed that there is a retributive aspect of taking damages from someone who has wronged you. Granted this is a sort of reparative justice (discussed lower) but the principle is well the same. Deterrence is a similar form of justice to retributivism in that it attempts to maintain order through threats and fear. There are two forms of deterrence, general and individual. They are fairly self explanatory, general is where the courts sentence heavily to dissuade the general criminal public and individual is where the courts sentence heavily on the individual to supposedly make them not want to commit crime anymore. An example of deterrent sentencing can be seen in the case of Storey. It was an attempt to make an example of the offender so as to stop others committing the same crime, in this case, robbery, statistics show that it only worked in the short term. An issue is that deterrence is disproportionate, and does not take into account the cause of crime. It assumes that the offender thinks rationally of his choices, which is not always the case. There has been much legislation and policy to curtail judicial discretion with regard to deterrence in sentencing. For example the CJA 1991 stated that deterrence was not to be used as a means of lengthening a sentence. However, traditionally the courts have steered toward a deterrent policy of sentencing, and in the face of opposed legislation they were not about to give that up easily. The CJA 1991 was so poorly written that Lord Taylor in the case of Cunningham managed to read section 2 (2) (a) of the 1991 Act as follows: The purposes of a custodial sentence must primarily be to punish and to deter. Accordingly, the phrase commensurate with the seriousness of the offence must mean commensurate with the punishment and deterrence which the seriousness of the offence requires. This enabled judges to effectively disregard the statute in such a manner that they could continue on business as usual. There was also a government White Paper in 1990 that came close to directly saying that deterrence was no longer a valid consideration when sentencing. However, despite all of this deterrence has once again emerged as a key aim of sentencing courtesy of section 142 (1) (b) of the Criminal Justice Act (hereon CJA) 2003 where deterrence is one of the only purposes mentioned directly. Desert Theory is a form of justice based around proportionality. The Swiss judiciary uses this as their main purpose for sentencing. It essentially means that the sentence must be proportionate to the culpability of the offender. The CJA 2003 includes culpability into judicial reasoning. A case of where Desert has been put into practice would be Lord Lane CJs justification of his lowering of the sentence for social security fraud. This is the case of Stewart where it was given that the crime was non-violent, non-sexual and non-frightening. The Halliday Report shows a large preference to Desert Theory as it emphasises the need to link severity of punishment with culpability and seriousness of the offence, so as to give a proportionate sentence. Problems with this form of principle are that there is an assumed blame factor on the offenders side, which does not take into account social situations when taken literally. The actual limits of proportionality are also contentious; the key concept of proportionality itself is too open to divergent opinion. However, it could be interpreted that desert is a main principle for our system as the CJA 2003 incorporates much of what desert stands for into it i.e. mitigation and culpability. The concept of rehabilitation is also mentioned directly in CJA section 142. This principle recognises the need to lower future crime and reconviction. This form of justice views the sentence and the associated loss of liberty as the real punishment; it puts forward the concept that through cognitive training during this time of lost liberty crime can be reduced, such as with the Think First program and the What Works ethos developed by Maguire and Priestley. It is particularly useful in cases dealing with drugs and alcohol abuse. However, long term studies have indicated that in other circumstances it is unlikely to be of much use, as was found by the nothing works research project. A 1998 Home Office survey evaluated that: there have been very few well-designed and carefully evaluated studies in this country of the effectiveness of programmes designed to rehabilitate and reduce the risk of re-offending. This represents a warning that rehabilitation is a very niche area giving various so-called experts powers over who is let out and who is not, based upon loose assertions that the offenders are better or not. However, it does remain in the CJA 2003 section 142, but not as the sole rationale. The Mental Health Act 1983, despite the previous 1998 report, still gives the courts jurisdiction over the mentally ill, and as addiction can be construed as a mental illness then it is possible to infer that the government supports this form of sentencing in this context. The principle of making amends for ones crime is the idea of restorative justice. criminal justice should focus [on] restoring individual damage and repairing ruptured social bonds a truly reparative system would seek the holistic restoration of the community Some of these developments in this form of justice are to make sure the criminal does not profit from his crime, i.e. compensation. Others are more reparatory in nature, meaning criminals are put to work for little or no wages in an effort to rebuild a part of the community they have victimised, for example a vandal fixes broken street lights for his criminal damage. The Powers of the Criminal Courts Act 2000 can be seen to greatly support the use and amendment of differing forms of community reparative sentences and further evidence is given to support reparation in the CJA 2003. However, various problems rise up when this form of justice is used. Firstly, it is disproportionate in nature, where a minor offence is committed a seemingly longer sentence of reparation will be administered rather than a shorter jail term. The disproportionate side enters where if the offender does not conform then a much harsher sentence will be imposed upon them. This does not address the cause of crime and can never be used for violent offenders as to do so would be a gross injustice to the victim. Therefore as a rationale it can only ever be taken in certain circumstances. Incapacitation is where the offenders opportunity to commit crime is taken away, by removing key aspects of his liberty that facilitate the crime convicted. For example a dangerous driver is disqualified and electronically tagged. As a result of humanitarian issues, such as imposing a harsh curfew which may interfere with someones right to personal autonomy and personal life, this gives the result with this being a heavily prescribed form of rationale. It is mainly limited to repeat (career) criminals or those deemed to be dangerous courtesy of the CJA 2003 sections 224-229 criteria. Incapacitation could also be construed within mental illness cases as well. The Mental Health Act 1983 gives judges the opportunity to use various methods of incapacitation on mentally ill offenders. The primary power the court has is the Hospital Order in respect of section 37 of the 1983 Act. Despite the fact that this is a form of incapacitation in Birch Mustill LJ explained that the intention of this was different and meant to be humane. This principle of justice is held to be in the favour of the defendant, even though all liberty is removed by an order of the court. Liberty can be further removed in the interests of protecting the public using a Restriction Order as of section 41 of the 1983 Act. A Home Office report however supports this when used on the mentally ill where practicable and appropriate. This would show that incapacitation is a form of justice that most governments find irresistible to direct judges upon when issuing Acts and policies on sentencing. The point that Ashworth makes is that the CJA 2003 incorporates all of these rationales in the consideration of sentencing. This is true. It would then also be true that there is a pick-and-mix element to judgement with regard to this Act. However, it is untrusting of the judiciary to state that this invites inconsistency. While the main thrust of this Act could be seen to be the Desert Theory, as there is much mention of different levels of blame, this would show that this gives judges the discretion they will need to achieve justice for all. It would be the assertion of this paper that the CJA 2003 invites consistency of judgement but allows for the discretion of the inconsistency of crime in its own chaotic nature. Table of Statutes: Criminal Justice Act 2003 Criminal Justice Act 1991 Powers of the Criminal Courts (Sentencing) Act 2000 Mental Health Act 1983
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
The Journey in A Good Man Is Hard to Find by Flannery OConnor Essay
The Journey in A Good Man Is Hard to Find by Flannery O'Connor In "A Good Man Is Hard to Find," Flannery O'Connor's character searches for grace and redemption in a world full of sin. Grimshaw states, "each one, nonetheless, is free to choose, free to accept or reject Grace" (6). The Grandmother in "A Good Man is Hard to Find," is on a journey for grace and forgiveness in a world where the redemption she is searching for proves to be hard to find. The Grandmother often finds herself at odds with the rest of her family. Everyone feels her domineering attitude over her family, even the youngest child knows that she's "afraid she'd miss something she has to go everywhere we go"(Good Man 2). Yet this accusation doesn't seem to phase the grandmother, and when it is her fault alone that the family gets into the car accident and is found by the Misfit, she decides to try to talk her way out of this terrible predicament. However, when the grandmother realizes that the Misfit has the intention of killing the whole family, her included, she screams out in terror, "Jesus!...Pray...!Y...
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Use of Social Media in Promoting Stakeholder
USE OF SOCIAL MEDIA IN PROMOTING STAKEHOLDER RELATIONS IN THE EDUCATIONAL SECTOR DEFINITION OF SOCIAL MEDIA Social media has rapidly integrated itself into our everyday lives, both personal and professional, and it’s perhaps had no greater impact than on the world of marketing, with consumers and brands seeing enormous benefits and changes. Social media literally means interactive platforms through which individuals and communities create and share user-generated contents. Social media are social software which mediates human communication.When the technologies are in place, social media is ubiquitously accessible and enabled by scalable communication techniques. In the year 2012, social media became one of the most powerful sources for news updates through platforms such as Twitter and Facebook (Kietzmann et al. 2011). Social media technologies take on different forms including magazines, Internet forums, weblogs, social blogs, microblogging, wikis, social networks, podcasts, photographs or pictures, video, rating and social bookmarking.Social media can be classified into six different types: collaborative projects (for example, Wikipedia), blogs and microblogs (for example, Twitter), content communities (for example, YouTube), social networking sites (for example, Facebook), virtual game worlds (e. g. , World of War craft), and virtual social worlds (e. g. Second Life). Technologies include: blogs, picture-sharing, vlogs, wall-postings, email, instant messaging, music-sharing, crowdsourcing and voice over IP, to name a few (Kaplan and Haenlein, 2010). Many of these social media services can be integrated via social network aggregation platforms.Social media network websites include sites like Flickr, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Bebo and MySpace. Social media applications used on mobile devices are called mobile social media. In comparison to traditional social media running on computers, mobile social media display a higher location- and time -sensitivity. One can differentiate between four types of mobile social media applications (Kaplan, 2012), depending on whether the message takes account of the specific location of the user (location-sensitivity) and whether it is received and processed by the user instantaneously or with a time delay (time-sensitivity). . Space-timers (location and time sensitive): Exchange of messages with relevance for one specific location at one specific point-in time (e. g. , Facebook Places; Foursquare). 2. Space-locators (only location sensitive): Exchange of messages, with relevance for one specific location, which are tagged to a certain place and read later by others (e. g. , Yelp; Qype). 3. Quick-timers (only time sensitive): Transfer of traditional social media applications to mobile devices to increase immediacy (e. g. posting Twitter messages or Facebook status updates). 4. Slow-timers (neither location, nor time sensitive): Transfer of traditional social media applications to mobile devices (for example, watching a YouTube video or reading a Wikipedia entry). Mobile social media can also be used on the go when one is not near a personal computer, lap-top†¦ etc. With all the new devices that are arriving at our finger tips, gadgets such as tablets, ipods, phones, and many other new products, there is no use for sitting at home using ones PC.Mobile social media has made other sources of internet browsing obsolete and allows users to write, respond, and browse in real-time. A new medium of social networking – Instagram allow the world to interconnect and makes space and time much smaller than anyone can imagine. Instagram allows individuals to snap a photo wherever they may be and share it with the rest of the world instantly, delivering a social media site full of foreign accomplishments and strange scenarios.This feature was introduced by facebook and other existing social media sites, but instagram is the latest addition to the social media scene, and has made picture sharing an absolute must. Mobile social media is a relatively new function because it was just recently that mobile devices have access to the internet and the cloud (Kaplan, 2012). PURPOSES OF SOCIAL MEDIA The purpose of Social media can be explained its use in the area of businesses. Here, social media may be referred to as consumer-generated media (CGM).A common thread running through all definitions of social media is a blending of technology and social interaction for the co-creation of value. Generally, people obtain information, education, news and other data from electronic and print media. However, unlike industrial or traditional media, such as newspapers, television and film, social media shows its distinction as they are comparatively inexpensive and accessible to enable anyone, even private individuals to publish or access information. Industrial media on the other hand generally require significant resources o publish information. One characteristi c shared by both social and industrial media is the capability to reach small or large audiences; for example, either a blog post or a television show may reach n people or millions of people. Some of the properties that help describe the differences between social and industrial media are in the aspect of reach, accessibility, usability, immediacy and permanence. (a) Reach: Both industrial and social media technologies provide scale and are capable of reaching a global audience.Industrial media, however, typically use a centralized framework for organization, production, and dissemination, whereas social media are by their very nature more decentralized, less hierarchical, and distinguished by multiple points of production and utility. (b) Accessibility: The means of production for industrial media are typically government and/or corporate (privately-owned). Social media tools are generally available to the public at little or no cost. (c) Usability: Industrial media production typ ically requires specialized skills and training.Conversely, most social media production requires only modest reinterpretation of existing skills; in theory, anyone with access can operate the means of social media production. (d) Immediacy: The time lag between communications produced by industrial media can be long (days, weeks, or even months) compared to social media (which can be capable of virtually instantaneous responses). However, as industrial media begins adopting aspects of production normally associated with social media tools, this feature may not prove distinctive over time. e) Permanence: Industrial media, once created, cannot be altered (once a magazine article is printed and distributed changes cannot be made to that same article) whereas social media can be altered almost instantaneously by comments or editing (Kietzmann et al. , 2011). Community media constitute a hybrid of industrial and social media. Though community-owned, some community radio, TV and newspape rs are run by professionals and some by amateurs. They use both social and industrial media frameworks. Social media has also been recognized for the way in which it has changed how public relations professionals conduct their jobs.It has provided an open arena where people are free to exchange ideas on companies, brands and products. Social media provides an environment where users and PR professionals can converse, where PR professionals can promote their brand and improve their company's image, by listening and responding to what the public is saying about their product. STAKEHOLDER RELATIONS IN THE EDUCATIONAL SECTOR The word- stakeholders simply means a person, group or organization that has interest or concern in an organization. Stakeholders can affect or be affected by the organization's actions, objectives and policies.Some examples of key stakeholders are creditors, directors, employees, government (and its agencies), owners (shareholders), suppliers, unions, and the commu nity from which the business draws its resources (Clarkson, 1995). In the educational sector, the major stakeholders comprise of the students, the funding (and managerial) bodies, the industry employers, the academics and the general public. Universities and colleges increasingly are using new communication technologies to produce innovative teaching methods, thus improving relationships with staff and students.Much of this innovation is centered on social media spaces and concepts. Many of the most significant social media tools are still very young but the concepts of social networking, online video, and blogging go back to the earliest days of the Internet. Indeed, educators and library professionals were quick to see the value of blogs as they appeared, partly as a mechanism to bypass complex or slow institutional website-updating processes. They are also a way to reach out, to share news and reflections with colleagues and students both within and beyond institutional walls.As the first social networking sites emerged, combining the functionality of bulletin boards with personal profiles and instant messaging tools, students were early adopters using the sites like FriendsReunited to maintain existing friendships and to establish personal support networks. Friendster extended the idea of what these spaces could do, and by the time Facebook launched (for those with university email addresses), students were well prepared to experiment, socialize, and share their networks online.Some librarians and academics followed students into these spaces, sharing practical information and trying these new forms of engagement. Now with the widespread use of tools and technologies like YouTube, Twitter, blogs, wikis and Facebook, social media is used for teaching in higher education (Kent and Taylor, 1998). Students remain ahead of social media users in various higher education groups. While many attribute this to generational factors, it is also true that students are more highly motivated by the need to find and bond with new peers and potential social groups.Many find participating in a new online space a relatively low stakes issue of experimenting and exploring the spaces that work for them, or that their friends use. Academic staff have been slower to find their feet, but the success of pioneering colleagues in communicating and engaging students in their work, or gaining professional advantage through social media spaces, has helped drive change and, in some cases institutional leadership. Rolling out blogging tools and support across the university has led to a creative, thoughtful, and lively culture of blogging within the university including a rapid turnover of very high quality content.A key strength of social media is the distributed model of connection, posting, and activity feeds that enables building an ongoing relationship with stakeholders through low stakes participation (Christ, 2005). Indeed the most common use of social media in higher education is as a means of amplifying existing events, publications and websites. Social media resources are often provided for passive use as information sources or teaching resourcesâ€â€perhaps an alert to an upcoming event, a blog post that directs the reader to formal academic literature, or a video that demonstrates a key technique or concept.A single action, such as sharing a link or viewing a Facebook page or Twitter profile, allows an individual to casually participate in a relationship with a higher education institution. From there individuals can also take active steps of clicking the â€Å"like†or â€Å"follow†or â€Å"subscribe to feed†button to receive regular updates and alerts, showing their interest in further dialog. This simple sharing functionality is very valuable, but the real benefits for higher education often come from more integration of social media with teaching and student support.Social media also provides the oppo rtunity for communication, professional development and collaboration among members of teaching and research staff, information services staff and administrators. This communication can work well in closed institutional spaces (such as an intranet) but collaborating publicly on the web (for example, through blogs or Twitter) enables both local colleagues and broader peers to read and participate in discussions. The most important relationship for most educators and academic organizations is with their students, and social media can be a very active and responsive hannel for supporting and engaging with students. While email remains the key means of communication for most professionals in the education sector, students arrive into higher education with established social media presences and a culture of using Facebook Messages/Chat, text messages, and related tools (for example, InstantMessanger, BlackBerry Messenger, and Skype). These social media and mobile tools may be used by col leges and universities, but it is important to manage expectations: students need to know which channels they are required to use (likely to include email) and which channels are optional (such as a course Facebook group).They must also understand which spaces to use for official correspondence, assignment submission, or urgent queries. Staff cannot monitor all social media channels at all times, but endorsing spaces that enable peer support can help meet student needs outside of working hours. For part time and online courses, scheduling virtual evening tutorials or â€Å"office hours†can also provide a manageable and valued space for student support and participation. Social media can also enhance traditional in-person learning to great effect. For instance, the collaborative nature of wikis offers particular opportunities for innovative teaching practice.This process empowers students to take ownership and responsibility for their own learning and to build a productive pe er community. It also alters the relationship and expectations that exist between staff and students from one-way teaching to an ongoing two-way process in both challenging and highly rewarding ways. For those learning on a part-time, distance, or flexible basis, it can be difficult to feel part of the educational community, to connect with peers whom you may see rarely or not see at all, and to form the types of social groups that enable peer support and friendship.Social media can help create a sense of community, of being among real people and, in some spaces (including virtual worlds), a real sense of embodiment. Some students feel more able to express themselves fully and confidently in online contexts, and for these students, social media provides a way to tie their more confident online selves with their real world identities. For others, social media is simply a route to avoid isolation.The participation of teaching and support staff in these spaces provides the opportunity to build richer relationships with learners, and to notice concerns, issues, or misunderstandings. These issues may not be easily or comfortably articulated in other teaching spaces, such as a more formal classroom or e-learning space. The beneficial possibilities of social media also bring potential risk, partly because any increased visibility brings with it greater exposure to vulnerability and the possibility of embarrassment or failure in a very public space.From an organizational and management perspective, the most significant benefits and the most notable risks arise from the democratizing nature of social media: when anyone can potentially create content there will, of course, be risks associated with loss of control. This can be tricky to negotiate because much of the appeal of social media is its formality, often tied to a sense of fun, transgression, and enjoyable anarchy. Educational organizations have a moral and legal responsibility to look after both staff and studen ts, and to consider their safety and privacy.There are risks associated with encouraging staff and students to register for and share personal information with social media sites, particularly when requiring student participation as a course requirement. You must create a process for dealing with potential bullying or abusive behavior. Because social media necessitates faster, less formalized processes than traditional print or online media, it can be beneficial to create appropriate organizational policies, procedures, and guidelines.These policies must acknowledge both the risks and benefits of social media. It is important that the organization accepts and understands those guidelines. Outright bans on social media usage are rarely desirable or effective, and heavy restriction can push individuals – whether staff or student – to create more controversial or outspoken presences on a pseudonymous on anonymous basis. This reaction can both risk a negative impact on the organization, and mean that the organization misses officially recognized contributions from energized members of the community.The most successful social media guidelines and policies are encouraging and nurturing in tone, highlight good practice and clarify the appropriate use of these tools. They must also specify material that is not appropriate for sharing, and indicate some form of process for dealing with conflicts arising from social media interactions. Every higher education institution is different so it is important to both draw on others experience and tailor your guidelines or policies so that they are a good fit for your own organization's needs and audience.Remember that the speed of social media development is such that no set of guidelines or policies will be definitive: they will need to be iterated over time and updated to reflect the changing social media and legal environment. Embedding social media into normal working practices can take time and effort, so it is important to consider the goals and desired outcome of that activity, whether that is easily measured (such as new admissions, achievement of funding goals) or something more amorphous (improved good will, better morale within an educational institution).It is also useful to consider collecting metrics (counts of tweets, comments received or more complex information) so that activity can be considered, reflected upon, and developed or discontinued as appropriate. Local hosting or restricted/private cloud hosting of social media tools can be an effective way to bring together social media functionality in a protected and trusted institutional space. Tools including IBM Connections, which act as a hosted suite of social media and business software tools, can be useful.Whether using a hosted or web-based social media tool, it is always useful to try any tool for a few weeks with colleagues or peers to identify problems or concerns before committing to a public (whether to your staff and/or students or the open web) social media presence. Planning suitable staff time and processes to create, maintain, monitor, and reflect upon social media presences helps to ensure that the presences are taken seriously and that involved staff feel a sense of ownership and responsibility in these new spaces.Blogs have become a central tool for academic research and for teaching and learning over the last five years. Many programs require students to blog reflectively on their progress throughout a course and submit this as graded work. These blogs provide a great space for reflection, for recording progress with academic readings and developing ideas, and for discussion with peers from the wider world. In schools, there are greater risks to address in terms of privacy and access to resources but there is also huge potential for innovation. The award winning â€Å"I’m a Scientist, Get me out of Here! initiative (Pontin, 2010) used a talent show format to connect practici ng scientists with school children. Over the course of two weeks, social media tools such as YouTube and real-time chat tools enabled school children to ask any science question, which was then answered by a research scientist within 24 hours. The students voted for their favorite scientist throughout the show and the winning scientist won a small grant to further their research. It can be inspiring to look at what comparable schools, colleges, universities, or other educational organizations currently do.Increasingly, early adopters engaged teaching staff, and university marketing and communications departments are realizing the huge potential for the use of social media in education. There are substantial risks to consider, ones that require thoughtful management of expectations, the ongoing review of practice, and the surrounding legal and social context. Social media guidelines and policies are useful tools in supporting the use of social media in schools and colleges but these should not stifle creativity.Social media provides real opportunities for innovative and engaging practice with authenticity and informality, both notable features of successful social media in academia. YABA COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY AND THE SOCIAL MEDIA Yaba College of Technology, founded in 1947, is Nigeria's first higher educational institution. It is located in Yaba, Lagos state, Nigeria. The college is a center of culture and heritage. Currently it has a student enrollment of over 16,000. Today, Yaba College of Technology is made up of nine (9) academic units called Schools, headed by Deans, and thirty-four Departments headed by Heads of Departments.The main objective of the College, according to the decree that established it, is to provide full time and part-time courses of instruction and training in Technology, Commerce and Management. Also, the College provides training in other fields such as applied learning, relevant to the development of Nigeria especially in areas of Ind ustry, Agricultural production and distribution, Research and adaptation of techniques. In pursuit of these objectives, the College has continued to develop structurally, humanly and materially.One of the ways in which the college has been able to establish this development is in its adoption of technological advancement by the use of the social media. Generally, Schools are on a short list of organizations that have been notoriously slow to adopt emerging technology but within the last few years, as social media becomes more integral to students’ lives, educational institutions are finally catching on, and catching up. On speaking with the Heads and representatives of information (communications) technology unit of he Yaba College of Technology, they all shared their views on the extent to which the Social media has promoted stakeholder relations in the college. Dr. Oyeyinka, Director of Centre for Information and Technology Management (CITM) explained that the Social media is being used and has made a great impact in the institution. For further information, Dr. Oyeyinka directed us to Mr. Popoola Olusegun Lawrence, a representative of the Information Processing Department. This was because Mrs. Koyenikan, the Head of the Information processing Department, was currently on leave. According to Mr.Popoola Olusegun Lawrence, who is in charge of students’ result as well as communication amongst the students and management of the institution, there are three different departments or units under CITM and they are- Information Processing Department (IPD), Hardware Software development & Training (HST) and the Volumetrics unit, a unit in charge of managing the college networks. These three units work together to take care of both the staff and student information. Mr. Popoola further explained that the use of Facebook in the department is more frequent although in some cases, Yahoo Messenger is also made use of.This choice of Social media tool is m ade, depending on the target publics and even in those cases; communication must have reached a certain level before usage of the social media that is, some sort of agreement must have been reached first and you must have established some kind of relationship with the stakeholders. One cannot just wake up one day and start communicating with stakeholders in a project that requires millions of naira. Doing that would place one at a huge risk. Therefore, one’s level of awareness comes to the forefront.For example, when the College through the Information Processing Department (IPD) needed to contact an organization that supply equipments used for the marking of Post UTME results, the decisions made had to change at a particular time and further communication was made through Facebook and Yahoo messenger from time to time. Later, after the equipments had been supplied, the college realized they needed the organization’s support and the organization was contacted again. Th is communication process via the social media was very effective and successful.In communicating with students however, Mr. Popoola continued by saying, mobile phones was made use of because the department has access to the phone lines of all students in the college. Moreover, not all students are computer literates or have access to the internet and in order to make sure all students were brought into the picture when giving out information that pertains to them, mobile phones was used in sending out bulk SMS. Within the staff, official matters are communicated through Facebook and twitter. This started just about a year ago.When communicating with other departments and faculties like the School of management studies for instance, the IPD sends messages through the group on Facebook created by some of these faculties and departments. If the Director of CITM (Centre for Information and Technology Management) – Dr. Oyeyinka wants to pass information to the Deans of various dep artments, he doesn’t need to go through CITM except when every member of staff needed to be communicated with. This is because CITM has the means of communicating with every staff at once. In emergency situations however, the use of mobile phones are used within staff because according to Mr.Popoola, it gets the information across faster. For instance in November, 2011, there was emergency information that needed to be passed to every staff where some details of the staff absent on the department’s database were urgently needed. This information was requested by the Ministry of Education and every staff needed to be aware of the developments within 24 hours. The use of Facebook, yahoo messenger and mobile phones were employed in disseminating this information. At the end of the day, it was realized that mobile phones were more effective. As regards to the use of Social media in times of crisis, Mr.Popoola claimed they had never experienced crisis but if they did, they probably would make use of mobile phones in disseminating the necessary information. Mr. Popoola believes that in years to come, probably in two to three years, the social media would be more effective but presently it was not as Nigeria as a whole is just getting to know the benefits of the social media. He explained that a good number of people are unaware of the importance of social media and some think it’s just used to paste portrait pictures or pictures of fashionable items like shoes, bags, etc.One of the barriers in the effectiveness of social media is in language barrier and the abuse of social networks. If people can get to understand the proper use of the social media, its effectiveness would increase. In the Volumetrics unit, the Head of Department – Mrs. Oyeyinka was said to be unavailable and we were directed to her representatives- the Head of the Networking Unit- Mrs. Christiana Olayinka and a member of the Volumetrics unit- Mr. Tunde Oke. Mrs. Christia na Olayinka, explained that their stakeholders are made up of the management, students and prospective students of the college.Her unit is majorly responsible in ensuring that internet links and facilities are made available to the students of the college. She further stated that social media has been of great benefit to the college and asides having an advantage of saving cost, it also allows you get feedback from the students i. e. allows a two-way communication. In the Networking unit, Twitter and Facebook are frequently used in disseminating information to students. Where management of the college is concerned, LinkedIn is made use of especially during management meetings and conferences.Linked in also allows for teleconferencing where even management abroad can partake in meetings held in Nigeria by Network connection. One can also view participants live as you communicate and exchange information with them. Terms such as audio conferencing, telephone conferencing and phone con ferencing are sometimes used in teleconferencing. According to Mrs. Olayinka, the only crisis they have experienced thus far was some years back when there was a shift in the date of resumption at the college and the news had to be relayed.This information was then passed through Facebook, twitter and bulk SMS. Though twitter was fairly effective, Facebook was found to be more effective because of the larger number of students subscribed to it. Bulk SMS on the other hand, was found to be most effective. Mr. Tunde Oke, a member of the Volumetrics department stated that dissemination of information to stakeholders which comprise majorly of the students and staff of the college is carried out using the social media tools- Facebook, twitter and most recently, YouTube.In mid 2012, a group on Facebook was created by the Volumetrics department called YabaTechng and at the time checked, the group had over 9,052 likes. Through this medium on Facebook, information of interest to the college i s posted. Only a few weeks ago, the Volumetrics department created some sort of mini TV called YabaTechTV via YouTube, a video sharing site and through this medium, documentaries about the college are shared. Within the short space of time since they started, the department has been able to upload their first documentary which aims at showcasing talents and facilities within the EPE Campus of the college.The 12 minutes documentary is tagged- ‘Documentary on Yaba Tech (Epe Campus)’ and has over 50 views already. They are currently working on their second documentary which they also plan uploading via YouTube. In conclusion, it is safe to say that social media has come to stay. In less than five years of its existence, social media has made a great impact in promoting stakeholder relations in the educational sector. It has revolutionized the way people communicate today and has spawned a new generation of communication in higher institutions.Social media presents a huge o pportunity for schools, universities and other educational organizations to reach out and connect with students and prospective students. Now, the internet is no longer a one-way broadcast delivery system where the individual user downloads data, information and other resources produced by a relatively small number of content providers. Instead, the internet is now driven by and to some extent determined through the activities of its ordinary usersâ€â€what has been described as many-to-many rather than one-to-many connectivity.The social web is therefore seen to be arranged along substantially different lines than the cyberspace-era internet of the 1990s and 2000s. This sense of internet use now being a participatory and collective activity is reflected in the language used to describe social media applications. Therefore, it is clear that social media gives more people a voice and provides a powerful tool for value creation and competitive differentiation. REFERENCES Christ, P. (2005). Internet technologies and trends transforming public relations.Journal of Website Promotion. 1(4): 3–14. Clarkson, M. B. E. 1995. A stakeholder framework for analyzing and evaluating corporate social performance. Academy of Management Review. 20: 65-91. Hill, L. and White, C. (2000). Public relations practitioners’ perception of the World Wide Web as a communications tool. Public Relations Review. 26(1): 31–51. Kaplan, A. (2012) If you love something, let it go mobile: Mobile marketing and mobile social media 4Ãâ€"4, Business Horizons, 55(2): 129-139 Kaplan, A. and Haenlein, M. (2010). â€Å"Users of the world, unite!The challenges and opportunities of Social Media. †Business Horizons 53(1): 59–68. Kent, M. and Taylor, M. (1998). Building dialogic relationships through theWorldWideWeb. Public Relations Review. 24(3): 321–334. Kietzmann, J. , Hermkens, K. , McCarthy, I. , and Silvestre, B. (2011). â€Å"Social media? Get serious! Understanding the functional building blocks of social media†(PDF). Business Horizons 54 (3): 241–251. doi:10. 1016/j. bushor. 2011. 01. 005. Retrieved September 17, 2012. Pontin, K. (2010).I’m a Scientist, Get me out of Here! Evaluation Interim Report. Gallomanor Communications Limited. Available from http://project. imascientist. org. uk/wp–? content/uploads/2010/11/Im–? a–? Scientist–? Interim–? Evaluation–? Report. pdf. YabaTechTV. (2012). Documentary on Yaba Tech (Epe Campus). Available from http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=g3keWhvSEIA&feature=youtu. be&a. GROUP 3 MEMBERS- YABA COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY (YABATECH) BABALOLA, ADEBUKUNOLA OLUWAYEMISI – 050803014 RAHEEM ADEFOLAYIGA . S. AKINDIPUPO AKINDELE ODUAH BALQIS OKAFOR EMEKA EDEMI JOY SISANMI AGUH OCHEZE
Friday, November 8, 2019
Perdón I-212 por deportación de Estados Unidos
Perdà ³n I-212 por deportacià ³n de Estados Unidos Los extranjeros deportados o expulsados de Estados Unidos reciben una penalidad y no pueden ingresar legalmente por un tiempo de castigo, excepto si obtienen un perdà ³n conocido como waiver I-212. El tiempo de castigo puede ser de 5, 10, à ³ 20 aà ±os o incluso de por vida, dependiendo de la razà ³n de la deportacià ³n. En este artà culo se explica cundo no es necesario pedir este waiver, tambià ©n conocido en algunos paà ses como perdà ³n o permiso, cà ³mo se solicita cuando sà es necesario, tarifa que debe pagarse con la solicitud, tiempo que se demora en resolverse, quà © hacer si se obtiene la aprobacià ³n de este perdà ³n y cundo es necesario adems presentar otro perdà ³n conjuntamente.  ¿Cundo NO es necesario solicitar este perdà ³n? No todos los extranjeros que han sido expulsados o deportados de Estados Unidos necesitan este perdà ³n como paso previo para solicitar una visa no inmigrante -como por ejemplo la de turista o trabajo temporal - o una visa de inmigrante para la tarjeta de residencia (green card). Por lo tanto, si no se necesita, no solicitarlo, porque serà a una pà ©rdida de tiempo y de dinero. Y es que no precisan pedir este perdà ³n las personas en cualquiera de las siguientes categorà as: 1. - Los extranjeros que llegaron a un puesto migratorio de Estados Unidos y se les permitià ³ retirar su solicitud de ingresar al paà s. 2.- Los extranjeros que al llegar a un puesto migratorio de Estados Unidos fueron parados y se les impidià ³ el ingreso al paà s pero no fueron objeto de una expulsià ³n inmediata oficial. Esto es muy importante, porque hay que distinguir cuando ha habido una expulsià ³n y cuando simplemente no se admite al extranjero y se le devuelve al paà s del que ha llegado. Esta diferencia es fundamental. Hay que mirar quà © papeles se firmaron o fueron entregados. 3.- Los extranjeros que fueron parados en la frontera intentando cruzar ilegalmente pero, por la razà ³n que sea, no recibieron una orden de expulsià ³n inmediata. Es muy importante saber si se recibià ³ una o no. 4- Los extranjeros que llegaron a un puesto migratorio sin visa por pertenecer a un paà s de Programa de Exencià ³n de Visados y no se les permitià ³ el ingreso. Esto es importante para los turistas y personas de negocio chilenos y espaà ±oles. 5.- Los casos de salida voluntaria, cuando se salià ³ de Estados Unidos dentro del plazo previsto. Esta es una excepcià ³n muy importante. 6. - Los solicitantes de visa U por và ctima de violencia que se encuentran en Estados Unidos y piden un ajuste de estatus. 7.- Y, por à ºltimo, aquellos expulsados o deportados de Estados Unidos que ya han cumplido el tiempo de la penalidad. Por lo tanto, es fundamental saber el monto de los aà ±os que aplican a cada caso. Y es que para algunos extranjeros la penalidad dura 5 aà ±os, para otros es de 10 y para otros, 20 y, finalmente, para otro grupo existe lo que se conoce como prohibicià ³n permanente (permanent bar en inglà ©s). Para conocer con certeza por cunto tiempo es la penalidad y los cargos se deben consultar los rà ©cords de corte, en casos de deportacià ³n, incluyendo la orden del juez y el documento que se denomina Notice to Appear in Removal Procedeedings. En el caso de expulsià ³n inmediata, es aconsejable tener el rà ©cord de la CBP (Patrulla fronteriza) y del Notice of Expedited Removal. En los casos en los que la dicta un juez por ser un caso de arriving alien tambià ©n es importante ese documento. En otras palabras, solo es necesario solicitar este perdà ³n si todavà a no ha pasado el tiempo de la penalidad y se quiere solicitar una visa no inmigrante o una visa inmigrante para ingresar a Estados Unidos. En este punto puede surgir la duda de quà © pasa con aquellos extranjeros que tienen una penalidad de prohibicià ³n permanente,  ¿pueden pedir un perdà ³n? La respuesta es que sà en las siguientes condiciones: En primer lugar, si la prohibicià ³n permanente es porque se estuvo ilegalmente en Estados Unidos por ms de un aà ±o (no tiene que ser corrido), despuà ©s se salià ³ del paà s y se ingresà ³ o se intentà ³ ingresar posteriormente de forma ilegal y se desea pedir una visa no inmigrante, en este caso se puede pedir el perdà ³n en cualquier momento. Tener en cuenta que para la visa de inmigrante las reglas son distintas y es lo que se explica ms abajo. En segundo lugar, lo mismo sucede para los migrantes que fueron removidos de Estados Unidos y que despuà ©s ingresaron ilegalmente o fueron agarrados cuando lo intentaban. En este caso tambià ©n aplica una prohibicià ³n permanente pero se puede pedir el perdà ³n en cualquier momento si lo que se desea solicitar a continuacià ³n es una visa no inmigrante. Un caso distinto es cuando se quiere solicitar la visa de inmigrante en los 2 supuestos anteriores y tambià ©n todos los dems casos de prohibicià ³n permanente ya es necesario poder demostrar ausencia de Estados Unidos por al menos 10 aà ±os antes de poder solicitar el perdà ³n.  ¿Cà ³mo se pide el perdà ³n I-212 para ingresar a EE.UU. despuà ©s de deportacià ³n? Por regla general el perdà ³n se pide llenando el formulario I-212, si bien hay unas pocas excepciones cuando se solicita una visa no inmigrante en determinados consulados de los Estados Unidos. Tambià ©n puede haber variaciones segà ºn el caso en lo referente a la cuota por aplicar y a la necesidad de aportar datos biomà ©tricos (huellas digitales y fotografà as). El formulario debe ir acompaà ±ado de documentos que se piden en las instrucciones del formulario y adems de aquellos que sirvan de apoyo a la razà ³n por la que se solicita el perdà ³n. Entre ellos, destacan: Certificados de hijos, matrimonio, etc para probar existencia de familiares inmediatos en Estados UnidosDeclaraciones juradas de personas que afirmen que la persona que pide el perdà ³n es de buena moralreportes mà ©dicos o psicolà ³gicos para probar la dureza por la que pasan los familiares en Estados Unidos debido a la separacià ³n causada por la deportacià ³n.Reporte policial para demostrar un rà ©cord limpioEvidencia de rehabilitacià ³n si en el pasado se ha cometido algà ºn delitoCertificados de estudios o profesionales para probar capacidades de empleoReporte sobre la situacià ³n del paà s en la que se tiene que vivir si no se permite el regreso a Estados Unidos, etc. Si alguno de estos documentos est en un idioma distinto al inglà ©s, debe traducirse. Este listado debe entenderse como una sugerencia y deben incluirse todo lo que sirva para merecer el perdà ³n. El oficial de migracià ³n tiene libertad para decidir si aprueba la solicitud de perdà ³n. No existen reglas absolutas pero se considera que son factores a favor de su aprobacià ³n los siguientes: La existencia de familiares inmediatos en Estados Unidosla situacià ³n de dureza que puede ser causada al familiar en Estados Unidos, siempre que sea un ciudadano o un residente permanente legal. Incluso se puede considerar la dureza que se causa al empleador que se tenà a.El tiempo que se vivià ³ en Estados Unidos. Cuanto ms, mejor.El estatus migratorio que se tenà a antes de ser removido. Por ejemplo, si se tenà a la green card o una visa.La falta de rà ©cord delictivo o si se ha cometido uno, que no sea grave.En el caso de las expulsiones, cuenta a favor tener sà ³lo 1. Ms de una expulsià ³n aumenta las posibilidades de negacià ³n del perdà ³n.El ser considerado persona con buena moral. Aquà podrà a ser un problema situaciones de falta de pago de pensià ³n alimenticia, etc.Si ya ha transcurrido mucho tiempo desde la expulsià ³n o deportacià ³n.La probabilidad de convertirse en residente permanente legal en el futuro. Es decir, se tiene una peticià ³n de resid encia realizada por un empleador o un familiar. Por el contrario, se consideran factores en contra a la hora de decidir sobre la aprobacià ³n del perdà ³n los siguientes: Ausencia de familiares en Estados Unidos o que los familiares no dependan de ningà ºn modo de la persona deportada.Historial delictivo, particularmente cuando se trata de un delito grave o agravado.Mal carcter moralVarias violaciones migratoriasMs de 1 intento de ingreso ilegal a Estado UnidosProbabilidad de convertirse en una carga pà ºblica o se es un peligro para la seguridad de Estados UnidosEnfermedad fà sica o mental, excepto si el à ºnico lugar donde puede recibir tratamiento es en Estados Unidos. Si pasà ³ poco tiempo desde la deportacià ³n o expulsià ³n.Si en el pasado se trabajà ³ ilegalmente en los Estados Unidos. Tiempo de demora del perdà ³n I-212 y cuota por la peticià ³n En la actualidad, la totalidad de las solicitudes de perdà ³n I-212 se resuelven en menos de 180 dà as, es decir, seis meses. En el momento en el que se escribe este artà culo, la cuota por aplicar es de $930, que debe pagarse al Servicio de Inmigracià ³n y Ciudadanà a (USCIS, por sus siglas en inglà ©s).  ¿Quà © pasa si se obtiene la aprobacià ³n del perdà ³n I-212? Ese perdà ³n es vlido de por vida, a menos que la agencia que lo concedià ³ lo revoque o que la persona cometa algà ºn delito o infraccià ³n migratoria que dà © lugar a una nueva deportacià ³n o expulsià ³n. Sin embargo, el perdà ³n no restaura nunca a la situacià ³n anterior al problema que dio lugar a la deportacià ³n o a la expulsià ³n. Por ejemplo, si se tuvo una visa de turista, no se recupera, o una tarjeta de residencia, etc. Adems, el tener el perdà ³n aprobado por sà mismo no es suficiente para poder ingresar a Estados Unidos. Es decir, hay que solicitar una visa no inmigrante o tener una peticià ³n de visa inmigrante. Cualquiera de estas visas puede ser denegada si no se cumplen todos los requisitos para su aprobacià ³n. En el caso de las visas no inmigrante el problema puede surgir por no ser elegible o por no ser admisible. En el caso de las visas de inmigrante, sà ³lo por causa de inadmisibilidad. Precisamente para muchas causas de inadmisibilidad es posible pedir un perdà ³n. Para las causas que convierten a una persona en inelegible no es posible. Teniendo en cuenta esto, es importante leer el siguiente apartado.  ¿Es necesario pedir otros perdones conjuntamente con I-212? Dependiendo del caso de cada uno, puede ser imprescindible presentar 1 o ms perdones conjuntamente con el I-212, ya que à ©ste solo sirve para la penalidad de la deportacià ³n o expulsià ³n. Por ejemplo, si se quiere es obtener una visa de inmigrante y hay otros problemas de inadmisibilidad como el castigo de los 3 à ³ 10 aà ±os, fraude de ley, comisià ³n de delito,enfermedad etc. entonces se necesita tambià ©n pedir el perdà ³n I-601, que tiene requisitos muy exigentes. Pero si se desea pedir una visa no inmigrante y hay ms causas de inadmisibilidad adems de la remocià ³n, tambià ©n se debe pedir otro tipo de perdà ³n.  Adems, es posible que el problema sea una causa de inadmisibilidad contra la cual no es posible pedir jams un perdà ³n, como por ejemplo tener en contra una declaracià ³n de haber solicitado previamente de forma frà vola la condicià ³n de asilo. Otro ejemplo es haber declarado falsamente ser ciudadano estadounidense para obtener un beneficio. Asimismo, no hay perdà ³n en los casos de delito de drogas cometidos despuà ©s de cumplir los 18 aà ±os, con la à ºnica excepcià ³n de posesià ³n de mariguana para uso propio o en los casos de matrimonio de conveniencia para obtener los papeles. Debido a que los casos de perdones son muy complicados es altamente aconsejable asesorarse por un buen abogado especialista en estos asuntos.  ¿Cul es la penalidad si se ingresa a Estados Unidos sin el perdà ³n I-212? Si se ingresa ilegalmente cuando est pendiente de cumplir el castigo por la expulsià ³n o la deportacià ³n automticamente se reinstaura la orden de deportacià ³n, de tal manera que si se es detenido o arrestado se proceder a su deportacià ³n sin pasar por Corte. Adems, es posible que apliquen multas y que se den cargos penales por los que puede haber pena de prisià ³n.Finalmente, cae sobre esa persona la prohibicià ³n permanente para regresar a Estados Unidos. Consejos legales Es muy importante entender las dificultades de obtener un perdà ³n y, honestamente, que la mayorà a que son aprobados han sido preparados por abogados migratorios reputados con experiencia en este tipo de casos. En esta pgina no se recomienda a ningà ºn letrado en particular, pero sà se aconseja verificar con AILA, la asociacià ³n de abogados migratorios, para consultar sobre este tipo de casos. Este es un artà culo informativo. No es asesorà a legal.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Commands and Mandates
Commands and Mandates Commands and Mandates Commands and Mandates By Mark Nichol Several words pertaining to authority or obligation display their kinship with the word element mand. This post lists and defines those terms. The Latin verb mandare, meaning â€Å"order,†is perhaps most commonly represented in command, which primarily means â€Å"exercise or have authority.†Other meanings include â€Å"have dominance or influence over,†â€Å"have at one’s disposal,†or â€Å"overlook†(as in reference to a mountain or hill that commands a location of lower elevation). As a noun, command pertains to an order or signal given, to authority, control, dominance, facility, or mastery, to the act of commanding or the position of a military authority, or to the scope of such an authority, including a specific US Air Force unit. A commander (also often referred to as a commanding officer) is an officer of any rank in a military, law enforcement, or other organizational structure who has authority over a particular unit; in some countries, as in the United States, the head of state is also the commander in chief of its armed forces. Commander is also a specific military or law enforcement rank independent of its generic use, as is the rank of lieutenant commander. To commend (literally, â€Å"entrust with,†from the â€Å"entrust†sense of mandare) is to endorse, entrust, or praise, though recommend is often used for the first sense. Behavior that is praiseworthy is commendable, and statement of praise is a commendation. The idioms â€Å"commends itself to†and â€Å"have much to commend it†are formal language for â€Å"is liked and approved†and â€Å"is good in many ways,†respectively. To countermand is to reverse an order, and as a noun the word refers to such a reversal. To demand is to claim, require, or summon, or to express an expectation (as in â€Å"Courtesy demands an acknowledgment of the gesture†). The noun demand refers to something claimed or required, to the notion of a desire or want for something or the quantity of something desired or wanted (as in the expression â€Å"supply and demand†), to a need or to being needed or wanted (as in â€Å"As a speaker, she is in great demand†), or to expectations (as in â€Å"the demands of the job†). The phrase â€Å"on demand†means â€Å"when asked for†or â€Å"when needed.†To remand is to give over (as in returning a case to trial or a criminal suspect to custody) or send back; a remand is such an action. A mandate is an authorization or command, though it is often used in a political sense to suggest that an election victory or passage of a legislative act validates a certain ideology or policy. It also refers to a conquered territory granted to a particular country, or to an authorization for such a grant. To mandate is to require or to administer a mandate, and something mandatory is required (or might pertain to the granting of territory). The adjective is not to be confused with the legal term mandatary, which refers to a person given authority to transact business for another person. Another obscure legal term derived from mandare is mandamus, which refers to a document issued by a court of law that commands that an act or duty be undertaken or performed. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:What Does [sic] Mean?Confused Words #3: Lose, Loose, LossWhat is an Anagram?
Sunday, November 3, 2019
History of American Cities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
History of American Cities - Essay Example The influx of the foreigners in relatively large numbers have produced a multicultural environment that is responsible for the rapidly changing socio-political scenario of the cities. The existing society and the social setup has accommodated the growing numbers of new inhabitants by not only creating new jobs but new suburbs and slums thus embarking on a new road that defines the inhabitants by the location and locations could reliably affirm the inhabitants’ race and culture. Historians and social scientists, through the years, have conducted studies to this effect and have come to some amazing results backed by research asserting that cities and suburbs are divided into specific locations that are characterized by the people who may be represented by their race, economic status or by their creative differences. The cosmopolitan flavor of New York is distinguished by the colonies named after the different nationals inhabiting them, like Chinese colony, German colony, Span ish or Jewish colony. ‘Even the Arab, who peddles ‘holy earth’ from the battery as a direct importation from Jerusalem, has his exclusive preserves at the lower end of Washington Street’ (Riis). In the mid nineteenth century, the author Riis studied the immigrant population, living in tenements, in the lower New York and observed that the tenements developed according to the immigrants, well defined by their race and cultural background. The Italians, for example, had largely come to America in search of work and this was carried out by the fellow Italians who facilitated their immigration and later exploited them for their own vested interests.Â
Friday, November 1, 2019
Fireworks Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Fireworks - Term Paper Example Fireworks The properties of firework explosions are force, velocity and heat. The combusting components undergo rapid entropic change, and thus this lends to the term â€Å"firework explosion.†The forces produced are generated by the rapid evolution of gases and heat that force them to expand according to the combined gas law (PV/T=k) where p is pressure, V=volume and T is temperature. The force of explosion is a component of the gas pressure. It is exerted equally in all directions obeying Pascal’s principle. Therefore, P=F/A where the ‘A’ is the area of confined combustibles. The force is responsible for the launching of the fireworks, their dispersion velocity and sound (report). Heat is a consequence of combustion and exothermic reactions such as oxidation and thermite-like redox reactions with the firework. The total summation of the energies produced obeys the first law of thermodynamics by adhering to the basic principle of â€Å"conservation of energy†Fireworks are generally composed of three chemical compounds; a fuel, an oxidizer, color producing compounds, a chlorinator and a binder. Manufacture of the fireworks is mainly done using chemicals that are non-toxic. Some compounds though, elicit high reactivity and toxic properties if handled directly. As will also be seen in later sections, the reactive products given off some other compounds are toxic. The fuel is the main component that allows the fireworks to burn. It is composed of sulphur, carbon based compounds, or metals. Phosphorous is also added to some fireworks for its glow in the dark properties. The most common metals are aluminum and magnesium. These burn brilliantly and are therefore preferred to others such as titanium. They are also cheaper. Often, the alloy, Magnalium is used. This is because magnesium does not form a protective oxide coat. This can be directly attributed to its high reactivity and thus higher risk of uncontrolled combustion. It may also cause serious burns and blindness due to its characteristically high temperatures and brilliance on combustion. The oxidizer is the accelerant used to make the burn more intense and violent. Potassium compounds are mostly preferred for this purpose. They include the nitrates, perchlorate, chlorate and peroxides. The potassium ions may also impart a pink color to the flame. Direct contact with these compounds may ca use an oxidizer burn to human skin or any organic material. Not to mention the fire risk if exposed to already combustible organic materials such as cloth, natural gas or dry grass. The colour imparting compounds are mainly metals. Their cations are the main contributors of the color. Their anion compounds determine how brilliantly they burn. Examples are the chlorides and nitrates that enhance brilliance. Carbonates and oxalates reduce brilliance. This is also where the aspect of toxicity emerges. a) Infra-red color- rubidium nitrate- it is not directly toxic, but is capable of oxidizing compounds b) Silver/ white- antimony sulphide- exists as stibnite and the antimony pentasulphide. The pentasulphide is flammable and can have potentially toxic effects on reacting with strong acids such as HCl. The reaction produces hydrogen sulphide which is a potent nerve toxin. HCl is naturally found in the stomachs of many mammals as a component of gastric juice. The pentasulphide is thus poten tially harmful if ingested. The stibnite form is also potentially toxic c) Blue- copper arsenite- the compound is toxic, and this can be
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Business ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3
Business ethics - Essay Example akes the market becomes inefficient because it makes companies look good not by producing the best product and services at the least cost but by means of misrepresentation. Companies are made to look profitable by financial acrobatics when in fact, they are not making that much. The prevalence of fraud has a grave social implication whch everybody experienced recently. The financial crisis was precipitated by fraudulent companies where investors lost its trust in the market because of frauds. The law intends to make the financial industry objective and ensures that the financial reports that companies release to the general public are accurate and free from fraud and prevent other companies to have undue advantage through fraud such as the case of Enron. This will make the market more efficient because it prevents fraud which distorts the market. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act law intends to remove the possiblity that auditing firms and companies will connive to give the public a false financial report that distorts the operation of a free market. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act would prevent auditing firms such as Arthur Andersen to assumed the role of an Management Consultant as well as Auditor for companies like Enron. When Arthur Anderson became a Consultant for Enron, it became in effect its employee and thus losing its independence thereby conflict of interest inevitably arise which is inimical to the efficient operation of the market. This would be prevented with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act because the law stresses Auditor Independence that establishes the independence of external auditor to limit the conflicts of interest. Conflict of interest leads to losing independence of audit report that lead to their audit certification of a company’s overstated earnings and thereby distorting the market by not reflecting the true financial position of its players. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act also mandates the establishment of a Public Company Accounting Oversight Board which
Monday, October 28, 2019
Weibo And Chinese Society Essay Example for Free
Weibo And Chinese Society Essay The new media, different from television, magazines, books or paper-based publications, is a new form of mass communication, which contains technologies that enable digital interactivity. For example, websites, video games, Internet all belong to the new media. Currently, the new media is becoming increasingly popular and sharply changing people’s life. The advent of Weibo in China is one of the most prominent examples, which is also the topic I am going to analyze in this passage. Chinese Weibo, similar to twitter used worldwide, is a micro blog, by which people can post words, pictures and videos on the Internet. The general public or the organization can create their own account easily and share things with their followers so they can communicate freely with each other. Some celebrities and government officials also own weibo accounts and in this way, weibo helps to create a two-way communication between famous people and Chinese Internet users. Research showed that people spend at least one hour per day checking Weibo messages on their cellphones or on their laptops, while spend only fifteen minutes on reading newspapers. It is very common in current Chinese society to see people using weibo every day to check the latest news, share daily life, or chat with friends, etc. 1 Nearly fifty percent of the Internet users in China have Weibo accounts and use it regularly. Among these people, most of them are from the younger generation who are more open-minded to the new technology. This paper consists of two parts. The first part aims to understand the effects weibo has made ten years from now on Chinese society. The second part talks about Chinese government policy and the progress China has made reflected by the proliferation of weibo. Speaking of the impact of this new media, weibo has impressively changed the traditional mass media. Prior to the turn of the century, only journalists with an official degree can be reporters and public news, which they thought were newsworthy. However, in nowadays, with the advent of weibo, the general public can be the first one to reveal something important happened around them by posting weibo using only forty Chinese characters. Sometimes these posts can be the sources of the news on next day’s newspaper. For example, on March 2013 a man robbed a store and fell down on his way running. This accident was firstly recorded by a citizen who happened to pass by in that neighborhood. Then he quickly posted this on weibo and called the police. Immediately, this post was reposted thousand times and known to many people in this city. Later on, the newspaper bought the pictures taken by the weibo user and published as the next day’s headline news. In this way, the general public is helping professional journalists find newsworthy things happened around them and change the traditional humdrum way of publishing. 2 In addition, the extensive use of weibo is acting like a supplement of paper- version reports. Every famous news agency has their own weibo accounts, whenever there was an influential news, there would be a short post to give people a brief introduction of what happened. Also, weibo can be a place where the journalists post updates in a continuous event. For example, when the missing airplane MH370 accident happened this year, every progress the rescue group had made was posted through weibo. While we were waiting anxiously for the latest news–if there were survivors, how was their family numbers, where was the plane, what caused this crash, etc. several news agencies post the latest contents immediately when there were new discoveries. The general public simply need to refresh their weibo to look for the latest news, which makes it more convenient and quickly. The advent of weibo also has tremendous impact on the daily life of the general public. Firstly, weibo users can follow official accounts based on their interests–what kind of news they care about most, which celebrities they esteem and want to know more about. For instance, a person likes sports might follow soccer players and other sports news related accounts. A person cares about health might become a fan of Chinese Healthy Diet on weibo. In this way, the weibo users can conveniently receive information specifically 3 what they want to know by using the Internet. Moreover, by reposting these weibos, weibo users can share the interested news with other followers and show the support for the original weibo user. Besides that, weibo users can also follow private accounts, which consist of one’s family members, friends and co-workers. Even if people cannot meet each other every day, they can still keep in touch and let others know what happened in their life by posting weibo. In the current society, weibo is a good communication tool to help promote the interaction between people who are busy working or studying every day and cannot meet each other because they live far away. My own example can best illustrate this point. I study abroad, which means I can only meet my family members and friends once a year. But I regularly post on weibo about what I have learned, what I have done, how I feel, etc. My friends can like or comment on my posts so we would not feel so far from my life in a remote country. The use of the micro blog also provoked great repercussion on the whole society, especially on the political field. Since a two-way communication between government officials and the general public was built up based on the proliferation of weibo. Almost every civic servant in China has their weibo account and is required to post their weekly work publicly. If Internet users have problems with the policy or officials’ behaviors, they can comment under the post or send a private letter 4 through weibo. It is the government officials’ duty to reply in time to the citizens and explain every action they take until the askers receive a satisfied answer. Making sure that the general public has a clear understanding of what the government is doing is a task for government officials through their communication on weibo. It is also common for people to show their support to certain policy or government officials through the use of weibo. Due to the impressive influence it has on the whole society, once a post was sent by a civic servant or a department in the government, it would be repost at once by thousands of Internet users who advocate this proposal. Therefore, with the power of the weibo users, it is easy to distinguish if an action or policy by the government is welcomed to the public in society. On the other hand, weibo can dramatically help to supervise the political system and other charitable organizations. Before the proliferation of weibo, it is relatively hard for the public to directly oversee the behaviors of the authorities and social groups. This kind of supervision is mostly achieved by the specialized department set up to keep an on the behaviors of the government officials. However, nowadays, people can freely post anything they discovered in their daily life and keep an eye on the celebrities what they have posted through weibo. The weibo users also supervise the misbehaviors of government officials in political field and urged the related to investigate. 5 Two examples happened in 2011 and 2012 Chinese society can best help to explain this point. In 2011, a weibo user with the account number Meimei Guo posted several micro blogs about her Maserati and big houses. And her title was the manager of the Chinese Red Cross, which was revealed in her weibo profile. This made the weibo users pretty confused: where did all her money come from? How can she afford such luxury? With more and more people paying attention to this young girl with such unusual background, the Red Cross was forced to response to this issue. Although that this organization clarified it had no connection with Meimei Guo, the public do not think that is the real truth. Also, the Public Security Bureau began to investigate the relationship between Meimei Guo and the Red Cross. Specially, they suspect this so-called manager had improper relationship with the chairman of the board, so she could have access to the money people donated to the Red Cross and used it for big houses and Maserati. Later after the Meimei Guo affair, the Red Cross was mistrust by the public for a long time and was required by the relevant department to reveal its budget to the society and become completely transparent. Another case happened in 2012 was triggered by one picture taken by a weibo user in a car accident scene. The post on weibo showed that in this kind of 6 occasion, the government official was smiling instead of grieving for the hurt people, which made the general public angry. Afterwards, this official was severely criticized by the people on weibo. People even found out all his other pictures taken in different occasions to see if he was eligible to be a civic servant. Eventually, people found that in many pictures, he wore different costly watches, which were not accordance with his income earned from his job. With more and more people doubted the sources of the money, relevant department began to investigate in this case. They found out that a large amount of the money of his fortune was from corruption. This official used the convenience of his position to make money for a long time so he had money to afford expensive watches and big houses. As a result, this official was â€Å"sent â€Å"by the weibo users into prison. Of course, the spread of weibo is a two-edged sword,which means it can also exert negative effects on society. For instance, there is a group of people who open weibo accounts only to sell products, which makes the Internet environment full of commercials. It is difficult to regulate these commercials because it is hard to tell if the product is of good quality based on the limited information weibo posts can provide. Also, the freedom people possess when they use weibo makes the online environment increasingly complex. Diverse people holding totally different opinions can equally and freely express on weibo. On rare cases, immoral people purposely release fake news to the public in order to tarnish others’ reputation or cause a society panic. The general public might get confused based on the complicated information they receive. 7 There was once a water company being framed by a piece of news in Beijing Daily. It reported that the water from Nongfu Company was not clean and could not achieve the water standard in China. Later on, this news was posted by several weibo users without testing its accuracy. Along with the spread of this breaking news all over the weibo environment, this company got stuck in trust crisis and had a significant decline in monthly sales. Thousands of Internet users showed their anger and disappointment to this water company and the news was reposted in a large scale. However, when Nongfu Company went to test its water in the Quality Supervision Bureau, the result showed Nongfu water was clean and had achieved the water standard. It turned out the news was distorted and afterwards misused by the weibo users. This example showed that it is equally easy for both the truth and fake news spread out through weibo and the latter would absolutely damage the social order to some degree. The spread of Weibo and its effects can be the introduction of the second part of this paper, which explains the Chinese society progress and the government policy. Because of the significant impact weibo exerts on Chinese society, the government has taken specific measures to regulate the weibo environment. Moreover, the policies, being increasingly flexible and allowing for more freedom, can reflect the Chinese progress in recent ten years. Fifty years ago, Chinese people were not used to freely speak in the public at all, nor were they allowed to criticize the government officials and the policy. In my 8 father’ generation, people who dared speak out the actual evaluation of one policy might even end up being caught into prison because they were considered too aggressive. Almost every thing they said or did was under the guidance of the government. People did not have a way to express their thoughts, not to mention giving advice to the government. Obedience blindly might be the best words to describe the people living in that period. However, in the new era, with more rights are given to the general public, people are changing their mind accordingly. They begin to say something in public instead of stubbornly listening to the authority. Weibo is an excellent tool to help achieve this transformation within this background. With the advent of weibo, people are having a channel to easily express themselves. They can set up an account and apply their personal design to the home page. They can post words and pictures. These weibo contents do not limit to their daily life about what they have done and how they feel which are mainly shared with their friends and family members. Weibo users can also use the micro blog to comment on recent events happened in China and in the international scale. For example, after the plane crash MH370, many weibo users criticized the inappropriate behaviors of the Malaysia government and airplanes. Another example would be the lawsuit in 2011. The driver, whose father is Gang Li–a government official, was interrogated in court because he triggered a car accident, which caused one people dead and one people severely injured. Hundreds of weibo users posted on Internet their complaints because they thought the court was treating this criminal inequity due to his special social 9 status. This case reflects a big progress which not only means the government is giving more freedom to people, but also means people are more willing to discuss the current affair and becoming the masters of their own country. Still, I cannot deny that there are restrictions on weibo use. Offensive words and pornographic contents are definitely not allowed to exit on Weibo. Besides, the regulation on political field is relatively strict compared to the policies used to regulate the Internet in other countries. However, even if there are certain amount of restrictions on the contents people can post, it is too a large degree progressive compared to before. The limitations are primarily in political area, especially when the reputation and safety of central government were threatened by aggressive speech on weibo. If happened, the relevant accounts might be suspended and the posts would be deleted as soon as being found. Moreover, this weibo user might even be arrested if the post had caused a severely negative effect within the whole society. This is a comparatively strict punishment compared to the policies made on pornographic or fake news. To the latter one, the account might still be used. Only the specific weibo contains pornographic or violence contents would be deleted by the administrator. The policies in sensitive period in China, (for example, when minorities groups were trying to split China) are harsh compared to that in normal times. The government is controlling weibo environment to stop the rumors, which aim to cause social panic. During that special period, Internet users even cannot post 10 weibos including sensitive words such as â€Å"split of China††The independence of Tibet†or the names of the sensitive characters in the political fight. All in all, Chinese society is making progress in the new millennium, not only in terms of economics, but also in political and cultural area. The policy and laws enacted by the government guarantee freedom and democracy to the public. Chinese people’s minds are opening to the world and becoming more autonomous accordingly. They use weibo to share their life, enjoy the rights they are accorded to help master the country. It is not possible for the social organization or government to block a piece of news they do not want the public to know any more. With the extensive use of weibo, all the information around them and directly affect them would spread quickly and has a significant effect within the whole society. People have already stepped into a new era with the extensive use of weibo and the old days will never come back.
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